Gauging Social Integration among Canadian Muslims: A Sense of Belonging in an Age of Anxiety

While the subject of “Muslim integration” has received extensive scholarly attention, especially in the Western European context, there has been little study of the subject in Canada. Canada has a long history of welcoming immigrants who make up 20 percent of the population. Yet, Canada has not fully escaped the debates and anxieties related to the accommodation of Muslim immigrants and the integration of those populations. In particular, these anxieties have been displayed around the proposal to use religious law in family based disputes in Ontario in 2005, controversies around the wearing of the niqab in the oath of citizenship, the admission of Syrian refugees in 2015, and concerns over homegrown violent extremism after the 11th of September 2001. This article examines social integration among Canada’s diverse Muslim communities. Using the barometer of a sense of national belonging, it examines the life experiences of Canadian Muslims and their ideas and sentiments related to belonging. It concludes that despite concerns in the community over discrimination and divisive areas of public policy (e.g., security), Canadian Muslims are well integrated socially.
Authors: John McCoy,Anna Kirova,W. Andy Knight Publication Date: 1/1/2016

Publication Type: Journal Article