CCIS Cultural Brokerage Program (CCBP) Evaluation Report: Nov 1, 2019 – October 31, 2020

This report presents findings from the 2020 CCIS Cultural Brokerage Program (CCBP) outcome evaluation, which covers the period from November 1, 2019 to October 31, 2020. The CCIS Cultural Brokerage Program (CCBP) is integral to the practice of Children’s Services (CS), providing cultural and language interpretation that is essential to achieving accurate assessments and positive and sustained outcomes for children and families. There are a number of factors that influence the success of the program. This includes a co-developed model that functions as a deeply embedded partnership between CCIS and Children’s Services. Skilled and competent Brokers who are well-versed in the CS system and community resources, are able to connect with families through lived experience, and are able to invest in strong working relationships with Children’s Services staff are central to achieving outcomes. Yet gaps in preventative services, first-language services, and culturally responsive services continue to make the work difficult and point to the need for ongoing systems advocacy. The CCIS Cultural Brokerage Program itself may not be able to expand while also maintaining the fidelity of the model – which is based on a strong internal community of practice and relationships of trust – however the model has definite potential to be scaled to other systems and communities.
Publication Date: 1/31/2021 PDF file