Family Violence Broker and Apartment 1310: Annual Evaluation Report January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020

This report presents findings from the 2020 Family Violence (FV) Broker & Apartment 1310 program evaluations. This year’s evaluation was completed by Habitus Collective and covers the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The Family Violence Brokers are a supplementary, gender-based support to CCIS Cultural Brokerage Program (CCBP) families who present with family violence concerns. Apartment 1310 provides temporary accommodation and immediate programming for low-risk perpetrators of family violence who are mandated to separate from the family. Beginning in March 2020, the programs had to adapt to frequently changing circumstances and public health regulations resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in office closures, work from home mandates, and periods when in-person contact with families was limited or not possible requiring adaptation to virtual or hybrid service delivery. Furthermore, families were and will continue to be facing pandemic-related challenges and stress, which may increase the likelihood or severity of family violence. From the period January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020, the Family Violence Brokers supported a total of 234 families, including 267 adults and 154 children. This was a 28.6% increase from the year prior despite a drop in total CCBP cases. Family Violence clients represented 47 countries of origin and 29 language groups. At the individual level, Canada, India, and the Philippines were the main countries of origin, which aligns to the main countries of origin for recent immigrants to Alberta as a whole. The majority of clients were Canadian Citizens (61%) or Permanent Residents (35%). Due to health restrictions, Apartment 1310 hosted only three residents this year. Evaluation activities revealed that the program along with Apartment 1310 are highly valued by Children’s Services staff, clients, and Brokers.
Publication Date: 2/15/2021 PDF file