Immigration and Settlement in Edmonton: Literature review prepared for the Edmonton Local Immigration Partnership (E-LIP) Council

This report is a synthesis of knowledge on four aspects of immigration and settlement in Edmonton – employment, health, youth engagement, and settlement. At least up until 2014, newcomers to Edmonton suffered from higher unemployment rates and were assigned to temporary jobs despite the region’s booming economy. The health literature primarily focused on the maternal health of immigrant women, the general health of youth, the oral health of immigrant children, and HIV infections and mental health of elderly immigrants and members of certain immigrant groups in Edmonton. Cultural and psychological barriers, and layered stigma kept newcomers from accessing appropriate help and services. The issue of immigrant youth engagement in criminal and gang activities is largely attributed to identity issues, feelings of belonging (or lack thereof), poverty, and pre-migration violence and trauma. The report also outlines numerous gaps in the knowledge and suggests further studies on Edmonton.
Authors: Sandeep Agrawal,Niger Sultana,Uliana Roskina,Pradeep Sangapala,Shivani Kapur Publication Date: 1/1/2020