Community organizations:
Alberta: Brooks & Country Immigration Services (BCIS); Calgary Catholic Immigration Society: Calgary, Medicine Hat, Banff (CCIS); Jasper Employment and Education Center; Kneehill Adult Learning; YMCA of Nothern AB
Saskatchewan: Battlefords Immigration Resource Centre (BIRC); Regina Open Door Society (RODS); Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre (SNWC); Saskatoon Open Door Society (SODS); YMCA Prince Albert
Manitoba: Regional Connections (RC); Neepawa & Area Immigrant Settlement Services (NAISS); Westman Immigrant Services
Future research / gaps identified: n/a
Integration timeline: upon arrival
Key findings:
1) The program meets a critical gap in support for the migrant worker population across the prairie provinces, both through direct services and by raising awareness in communities.
2) Diverse local partnerships are imperative and lead to increased reach, strong and more coordinated systems of support, more timely services, and more community awareness of migrant workers.
Key populations: Migrant workers and Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs)
Key recommendations:
1) Service delivery partners focused on providing comprehensive services to clients should continue outreach and community-building efforts.
2) Ongoing efforts should focus on addressing complex issues, reaching new populations, and continuing to build trust within local communities.
Location: Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba
Open Access: PDF Available