Please note, this is not an open access database or repository. We have focused on creating simple summaries of reports and articles that we have accessed through websites and academic journals, with a focus on key findings, so that even if a full report is not free to access you can reference it. When possible, we include a link to wherever the original document is hosted (which may or may not be open-access). If you come across a link that is no longer active, please let us know and we can update it. There are also some reports that will have been submitted directly to the project. In this case, these reports are uploaded directly with permission from the author or publisher. Any original documents found on this site are stored in Canada on our secure servers

“The children are not controllable because they follow Western values”: Narratives of the parenting experiences of African immigrants in Alberta, Canada

African immigrants are moving to high-income nations such as Canada in greater numbers in search of a better life. These immigrants frequently struggle with several issues, including limited social support, shifts in gender roles/status, cultural conflicts with their children, and language barriers. We used participatory action research (PAR) to gather data about Sub-Saharan African immigrants residing in Edmonton or Calgary, Alberta, Canada, with a focus on their viewpoints, difficulties, and experiences of parenting children in Canada. We contextualized our study and its findings using both postcolonial feminism and transnationalism approaches. Study findings show African immigrant parents place a high priority on respect between generations. The absence of assistance, conflicts caused by culture, and language barriers are notable difficulties they encountered in parenting. An additional factor is a lack of acquaintance with and comprehension of the culture of their new home nation. Several implications stem from our findings, including the need for interventional research that explores effective, culturally relevant strategies for enhancing parenting among African immigrants. Our findings demonstrate the need for culturally sensitive policies and practices that support the transition and integration of African immigrant families into Canadian society. It is imperative for health care providers and policy makers to develop and revise culturally appropriate policies that take into consideration the importance of African immigrants in destination countries. Adopting culturally relevant policies and practices will improve the wellbeing of this growing but underprivileged minority of Canadians. African immigrants are moving to high-income nations such as Canada in greater numbers in search of a better life. These immigrants frequently struggle with several issues, including limited social support, shifts in gender roles/status, cultural conflicts with their children, and language barriers. We used participatory action research (PAR) to gather data about Sub-Saharan African immigrants residing in Edmonton or Calgary, Alberta, Canada, with a focus on their viewpoints, difficulties, and experiences of parenting children in Canada. We contextualized our study and its findings using both postcolonial feminism and transnationalism approaches. Study findings show African immigrant parents place a high priority on respect between generations. The absence of assistance, conflicts caused by culture, and language barriers are notable difficulties they encountered in parenting. An additional factor is a lack of acquaintance with and comprehension of the culture of their new home nation. Several implications stem from our findings, including the need for interventional research that explores effective, culturally relevant strategies for enhancing parenting among African immigrants. Our findings demonstrate the need for culturally sensitive policies and practices that support the transition and integration of African immigrant families into Canadian society. It is imperative for health care providers and policy makers to develop and revise culturally appropriate policies that take into consideration the importance of African immigrants in destination countries. Adopting culturally relevant policies and practices will improve the wellbeing of this growing but underprivileged minority of Canadians.
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How to parent in Canada? The struggle to develop a new habitus among Chinese immigrant mothers

Parents worldwide aspire to guide their children toward what they see as “success”. However, immigrant families in Canada, especially those from non-Western backgrounds, encounter distinct challenges. These include maintaining family cohesion and supporting their children’s psychological and emotional well-being amidst acculturation differences. This qualitative study utilizes Bourdieu’s critical sociological theory to examine the experiences of five first generation, middle-class Chinese immigrant mothers in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Despite past research suggesting that immigrant parents are resistant to changing some of their deeply held beliefs (regardless of how they diverge from predominant norms), the findings of this study point toward participants’ shared desire to abandon their cultural traditions. They rejected the high power, hierarchical parent-child relationships of their own upbringing and instead strove to respect their children as autonomous equals with the ‘right’ to self-expression, aligning with Western philosophical paradigms. However, despite these intentions, their habitus is embodied and enduring, such that their habitual ways of reacting and relating to their children reflect the very traditions they consciously reject. The findings illuminate the challenges non-Western immigrant parents face in implementing their evolving parenting goals in everyday interactions with their children Parents worldwide aspire to guide their children toward what they see as “success”. However, immigrant families in Canada, especially those from non-Western backgrounds, encounter distinct challenges. These include maintaining family cohesion and supporting their children’s psychological and emotional well-being amidst acculturation differences. This qualitative study utilizes Bourdieu’s critical sociological theory to examine the experiences of five first generation, middle-class Chinese immigrant mothers in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Despite past research suggesting that immigrant parents are resistant to changing some of their deeply held beliefs (regardless of how they diverge from predominant norms), the findings of this study point toward participants’ shared desire to abandon their cultural traditions. They rejected the high power, hierarchical parent-child relationships of their own upbringing and instead strove to respect their children as autonomous equals with the ‘right’ to self-expression, aligning with Western philosophical paradigms. However, despite these intentions, their habitus is embodied and enduring, such that their habitual ways of reacting and relating to their children reflect the very traditions they consciously reject. The findings illuminate the challenges non-Western immigrant parents face in implementing their evolving parenting goals in everyday interactions with their children
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The (un)caring experienced by racialized and/or ethnoculturally diverse residents in supportive living: A qualitative study

Racialized and/or ethnocultural minority older adults in supportive living settings may not have access to appropriate services and activities. Most supportive living facilities are mainstream (not specific to one group); however, culturally specific facilities are purpose-built to accommodate older adults from a particular group. Our objective was to describe the perspectives of diverse participants about access to culturally appropriate care, accessible services, and social and recreation activities in culturally specific and mainstream (non-specific) supportive living facilities. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 21 people (11 staff, 8 family members, 2 residents) from 7 supportive living homes (2 culturally specific and 5 mainstream) in Calgary or Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We used a rapid qualitative inquiry approach to structure the data collection and analysis. Staff and family members described challenges in accessing culturally appropriate care in mainstream facilities. Family members expressed guilt and shame when their relative moved to supportive living, and they specifically described long waitlists for beds in culturally specific homes. Once in the facility, language barriers contributed to quality of care issues (e.g., delayed assessments) and challenges accessing recreation and social activities in both mainstream and culturally specific homes. Mainstream facilities often did not have appropriate food options and had limited supports for religious practices. Residents who had better English language proficiency had an easier transition to supportive living. Racialized and/or ethnoculturally diverse residents in mainstream supportive living facilities did not receive culturally appropriate care. Creating standalone facilities for every cultural group is not feasible; therefore, we must improve the care in mainstream facilities, including recruiting more diverse staff and integrating a wider range of recreation, religious services and food options. Racialized and/or ethnocultural minority older adults in supportive living settings may not have access to appropriate services and activities. Most supportive living facilities are mainstream (not specific to one group); however, culturally specific facilities are purpose-built to accommodate older adults from a particular group. Our objective was to describe the perspectives of diverse participants about access to culturally appropriate care, accessible services, and social and recreation activities in culturally specific and mainstream (non-specific) supportive living facilities. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 21 people (11 staff, 8 family members, 2 residents) from 7 supportive living homes (2 culturally specific and 5 mainstream) in Calgary or Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We used a rapid qualitative inquiry approach to structure the data collection and analysis. Staff and family members described challenges in accessing culturally appropriate care in mainstream facilities. Family members expressed guilt and shame when their relative moved to supportive living, and they specifically described long waitlists for beds in culturally specific homes. Once in the facility, language barriers contributed to quality of care issues (e.g., delayed assessments) and challenges accessing recreation and social activities in both mainstream and culturally specific homes. Mainstream facilities often did not have appropriate food options and had limited supports for religious practices. Residents who had better English language proficiency had an easier transition to supportive living. Racialized and/or ethnoculturally diverse residents in mainstream supportive living facilities did not receive culturally appropriate care. Creating standalone facilities for every cultural group is not feasible; therefore, we must improve the care in mainstream facilities, including recruiting more diverse staff and integrating a wider range of recreation, religious services and food options.
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Barriers experienced by families new to Alberta, Canada when accessing routine-childhood vaccinations

As Canada and other high-income countries continue to welcome newcomers, this study aimed to 1) understand newcomer parents’ attitudes towards routine-childhood vaccinations (RCVs), and 2) identify barriers newcomer parents face when accessing RCVs in Alberta (Calgary, Edmonton and High River). Overall, parents in the focus groups were motivated and willing to vaccinate their children but experienced several barriers related to their capability and opportunity to access RCVs. Five main themes emerged: 1) lack of reputable information about RCVs, 2) language barriers when looking for information and asking questions about RCVs, 3) lack of access to a primary care provider (PCP), 4) lack of affordable and convenient transportation options, and 5) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lack of available vaccine appointments. The findings highlight that several barriers faced by newcomer families ultimately stem from issues related to accessing information about RCVs and the challenges families face once at vaccination clinics, highlighting opportunities for health systems to better support newcomers in accessing RCVs. As Canada and other high-income countries continue to welcome newcomers, this study aimed to 1) understand newcomer parents’ attitudes towards routine-childhood vaccinations (RCVs), and 2) identify barriers newcomer parents face when accessing RCVs in Alberta (Calgary, Edmonton and High River). Overall, parents in the focus groups were motivated and willing to vaccinate their children but experienced several barriers related to their capability and opportunity to access RCVs. Five main themes emerged: 1) lack of reputable information about RCVs, 2) language barriers when looking for information and asking questions about RCVs, 3) lack of access to a primary care provider (PCP), 4) lack of affordable and convenient transportation options, and 5) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lack of available vaccine appointments. The findings highlight that several barriers faced by newcomer families ultimately stem from issues related to accessing information about RCVs and the challenges families face once at vaccination clinics, highlighting opportunities for health systems to better support newcomers in accessing RCVs.
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Understanding social inclusion: Stories of disruption through school policies/practices in refugee families’ life making in Canada

Composing lives that have a sense of coherence is part of the identity making of refugee families and shapes their attempts for social inclusion. Their struggles for narrative coherence are shaped by the bumping places and tensions that they experience as their lives bump against dominant narratives that structure the policies and practices of many institutions including schools. Using narrative inquiry, we inquired into the experiences of three Syrian refugee families as they bumped against institutional policies and practices. Composing lives that have a sense of coherence is part of the identity making of refugee families and shapes their attempts for social inclusion. Their struggles for narrative coherence are shaped by the bumping places and tensions that they experience as their lives bump against dominant narratives that structure the policies and practices of many institutions including schools. Using narrative inquiry, we inquired into the experiences of three Syrian refugee families as they bumped against institutional policies and practices.
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Mobilizing communities and families for child mental health promotion in Canada: Views of African immigrants

Available evidence in Canada suggests children born to immigrants face a greater risk of poor mental health outcomes. However, these comparisons often mask important ethno-racial differences in mental health risks and outcomes among immigrant populations. Recent evidence suggests African immigrant children have some of the poorest social and mental health outcomes in Canada. Despite this awareness, research has yet to identify community-based strategies for addressing the stressors underpinning such outcomes. This study used data obtained from focus groups with African immigrant parents in Edmonton, AB and surrounding towns to identify child mental health stressors and child mental health promotion strategies in the African immigrant community. Available evidence in Canada suggests children born to immigrants face a greater risk of poor mental health outcomes. However, these comparisons often mask important ethno-racial differences in mental health risks and outcomes among immigrant populations. Recent evidence suggests African immigrant children have some of the poorest social and mental health outcomes in Canada. Despite this awareness, research has yet to identify community-based strategies for addressing the stressors underpinning such outcomes. This study used data obtained from focus groups with African immigrant parents in Edmonton, AB and surrounding towns to identify child mental health stressors and child mental health promotion strategies in the African immigrant community.
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Vaccinations of children from im/migrant families in Alberta: Equity-oriented critical policy analysis

Immigrant and refugee (im/migrant) families settled in Alberta (AB) are often challenged to overcome structural barriers (i.e., accent discrimination, English as a foreign language, culture shock) in the way of navigating and actively utilizing vaccination services. Research is scarce on the impact of childhood vaccination policies on children of im/migrants in Alberta. The objective of this study was to use an intersectionality-based evaluation framework, inclusive of health equity principles, to critically analyze and investigate current Alberta jurisdictional (AJ) childhood vaccination policies and policy guidance. More specifically, the focus of this research was to examine equity considerations in the policies as it relates to vaccinations of im/migrant children. This critical policy analysis inquired and sought to find out to what extent vaccination of children of im/migrants are equitably accounted for in the Alberta context. Relevant sources on Alberta childhood vaccination policies and policy guidance were retrieved from the Government of Alberta (GoA) and the Government of Canada (GoC) websites. Initial and retroactive searches, within a 15 year range, led to the content analysis of a total of 25 eligible GoA and GoC-AJ document(s) using an intersectionality-based health equity lens (acknowledgment of impact of immigration status and race/ethnicity on health). All of the childhood vaccination policies and policy guidance were found to lack acknowledgement of the existence of structural barriers that im/migrant families face. Recommendations for more inclusive vaccination policies are discussed. Immigrant and refugee (im/migrant) families settled in Alberta (AB) are often challenged to overcome structural barriers (i.e., accent discrimination, English as a foreign language, culture shock) in the way of navigating and actively utilizing vaccination services. Research is scarce on the impact of childhood vaccination policies on children of im/migrants in Alberta. The objective of this study was to use an intersectionality-based evaluation framework, inclusive of health equity principles, to critically analyze and investigate current Alberta jurisdictional (AJ) childhood vaccination policies and policy guidance. More specifically, the focus of this research was to examine equity considerations in the policies as it relates to vaccinations of im/migrant children. This critical policy analysis inquired and sought to find out to what extent vaccination of children of im/migrants are equitably accounted for in the Alberta context. Relevant sources on Alberta childhood vaccination policies and policy guidance were retrieved from the Government of Alberta (GoA) and the Government of Canada (GoC) websites. Initial and retroactive searches, within a 15 year range, led to the content analysis of a total of 25 eligible GoA and GoC-AJ document(s) using an intersectionality-based health equity lens (acknowledgment of impact of immigration status and race/ethnicity on health). All of the childhood vaccination policies and policy guidance were found to lack acknowledgement of the existence of structural barriers that im/migrant families face. Recommendations for more inclusive vaccination policies are discussed.
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A narrative inquiry into the experiences of Syrian refugee families with children living with disabilities

Children with disabilities are among the most at-risk groups for marginalization due to compounded disadvantages from the intersection of risk factors such as refugee status and disability status. Despite this high risk, there is no systematic data collected on this group and scant literature on the topic contributing to a feeling of invisibility. We conducted a narrative inquiry on the experiences of two Syrian refugee families with children living with disabilities. Narrative inquiry is a way to understand experience as a storied phenomenon. In order to understand the complexities of the experience as a refugee with a child living with disabilities, attending to the lived and told stories is essential. In hearing the narration of these experiences across time, place, and social contexts various narrative threads emerged. The narrative threads that resonated across the experiences of two families included waiting and a struggle for agency, as well as disruption and continuity. Children with disabilities are among the most at-risk groups for marginalization due to compounded disadvantages from the intersection of risk factors such as refugee status and disability status. Despite this high risk, there is no systematic data collected on this group and scant literature on the topic contributing to a feeling of invisibility. We conducted a narrative inquiry on the experiences of two Syrian refugee families with children living with disabilities. Narrative inquiry is a way to understand experience as a storied phenomenon. In order to understand the complexities of the experience as a refugee with a child living with disabilities, attending to the lived and told stories is essential. In hearing the narration of these experiences across time, place, and social contexts various narrative threads emerged. The narrative threads that resonated across the experiences of two families included waiting and a struggle for agency, as well as disruption and continuity.
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Family Violence Broker and Apartment 1310: Annual Evaluation Report January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020

This report presents findings from the 2020 Family Violence (FV) Broker & Apartment 1310 program evaluations. This year’s evaluation was completed by Habitus Collective and covers the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The Family Violence Brokers are a supplementary, gender-based support to CCIS Cultural Brokerage Program (CCBP) families who present with family violence concerns. Apartment 1310 provides temporary accommodation and immediate programming for low-risk perpetrators of family violence who are mandated to separate from the family. Beginning in March 2020, the programs had to adapt to frequently changing circumstances and public health regulations resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in office closures, work from home mandates, and periods when in-person contact with families was limited or not possible requiring adaptation to virtual or hybrid service delivery. Furthermore, families were and will continue to be facing pandemic-related challenges and stress, which may increase the likelihood or severity of family violence. From the period January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020, the Family Violence Brokers supported a total of 234 families, including 267 adults and 154 children. This was a 28.6% increase from the year prior despite a drop in total CCBP cases. Family Violence clients represented 47 countries of origin and 29 language groups. At the individual level, Canada, India, and the Philippines were the main countries of origin, which aligns to the main countries of origin for recent immigrants to Alberta as a whole. The majority of clients were Canadian Citizens (61%) or Permanent Residents (35%). Due to health restrictions, Apartment 1310 hosted only three residents this year. Evaluation activities revealed that the program along with Apartment 1310 are highly valued by Children’s Services staff, clients, and Brokers. This report presents findings from the 2020 Family Violence (FV) Broker & Apartment 1310 program evaluations. This year’s evaluation was completed by Habitus Collective and covers the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The Family Violence Brokers are a supplementary, gender-based support to CCIS Cultural Brokerage Program (CCBP) families who present with family violence concerns. Apartment 1310 provides temporary accommodation and immediate programming for low-risk perpetrators of family violence who are mandated to separate from the family. Beginning in March 2020, the programs had to adapt to frequently changing circumstances and public health regulations resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in office closures, work from home mandates, and periods when in-person contact with families was limited or not possible requiring adaptation to virtual or hybrid service delivery. Furthermore, families were and will continue to be facing pandemic-related challenges and stress, which may increase the likelihood or severity of family violence. From the period January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020, the Family Violence Brokers supported a total of 234 families, including 267 adults and 154 children. This was a 28.6% increase from the year prior despite a drop in total CCBP cases. Family Violence clients represented 47 countries of origin and 29 language groups. At the individual level, Canada, India, and the Philippines were the main countries of origin, which aligns to the main countries of origin for recent immigrants to Alberta as a whole. The majority of clients were Canadian Citizens (61%) or Permanent Residents (35%). Due to health restrictions, Apartment 1310 hosted only three residents this year. Evaluation activities revealed that the program along with Apartment 1310 are highly valued by Children’s Services staff, clients, and Brokers.
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Welcome to Canada: Why are family emergency shelters ‘home’ for recent newcomers?

Although Canada is recognized internationally as a leader in immigration policy, supports are not responsive to the traumatic experiences of many newcomers. Many mothers and children arriving in Canada are at elevated risk of homelessness. Individual and group interviews with 18 newcomer mothers with current or recent experiences with homelessness and with 16 service providers working in multiple sectors were conducted. Three main themes emerged: gendered and racialized pathways into homelessness; system failures, and pre- and post-migration trauma. This study revealed structural barriers rooted in preoccupation with economic success that negate and exacerbate the effects of violence and homelessness. The impacts of structural discrimination and violence are embedded in federal policy. It is critical to posit gender and culturally appropriate alternatives that focus on system issues. Although Canada is recognized internationally as a leader in immigration policy, supports are not responsive to the traumatic experiences of many newcomers. Many mothers and children arriving in Canada are at elevated risk of homelessness. Individual and group interviews with 18 newcomer mothers with current or recent experiences with homelessness and with 16 service providers working in multiple sectors were conducted. Three main themes emerged: gendered and racialized pathways into homelessness; system failures, and pre- and post-migration trauma. This study revealed structural barriers rooted in preoccupation with economic success that negate and exacerbate the effects of violence and homelessness. The impacts of structural discrimination and violence are embedded in federal policy. It is critical to posit gender and culturally appropriate alternatives that focus on system issues.
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