Please note, this is not an open access database or repository. We have focused on creating simple summaries of reports and articles that we have accessed through websites and academic journals, with a focus on key findings, so that even if a full report is not free to access you can reference it. When possible, we include a link to wherever the original document is hosted (which may or may not be open-access). If you come across a link that is no longer active, please let us know and we can update it. There are also some reports that will have been submitted directly to the project. In this case, these reports are uploaded directly with permission from the author or publisher. Any original documents found on this site are stored in Canada on our secure servers

Pathways to success: A narrative inquiry into the settlement and integration experiences of refugees from Ethiopia in Canada

This study explored pathways to success through a narrative inquiry into the settlement and integration experiences of refugees from Ethiopia living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The study filled an important gap in information that accounted for success by refugees, although there was ample evidence regarding the structural challenges faced by all groups of newcomers in Canada. The end-goal was to develop a deeper understanding into how adult learning could be tailored to meet the needs of refugees and possibly other groups of newcomers. The theoretical frameworks that guided this study included insights about the role of agency, structure, and lifelong learning primarily through the scholarly contributions by Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, and Peter Jarvis. Additionally, the study included insights by multiple scholars who explored the settlement and integration experiences of newcomers in Canada. The narrative data was collected through conversational interviews with the participants. Afterwards, the data was transcribed, analyzed, and stored in consideration of ethical practices. The study revealed multiple perspectives on the meaning of success based on insights shared by the participants. This study explored pathways to success through a narrative inquiry into the settlement and integration experiences of refugees from Ethiopia living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The study filled an important gap in information that accounted for success by refugees, although there was ample evidence regarding the structural challenges faced by all groups of newcomers in Canada. The end-goal was to develop a deeper understanding into how adult learning could be tailored to meet the needs of refugees and possibly other groups of newcomers. The theoretical frameworks that guided this study included insights about the role of agency, structure, and lifelong learning primarily through the scholarly contributions by Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, and Peter Jarvis. Additionally, the study included insights by multiple scholars who explored the settlement and integration experiences of newcomers in Canada. The narrative data was collected through conversational interviews with the participants. Afterwards, the data was transcribed, analyzed, and stored in consideration of ethical practices. The study revealed multiple perspectives on the meaning of success based on insights shared by the participants.
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Sociocultural determinants of children’s oral health among immigrants in Canada

A conceptual model was designed and tested to predict immigrant children’s oral health in Canada by examining parental acculturation and perceived social support (PSS) using structural equation modelling. A convenience sample of first-generation immigrant parents and their children aged 2–12 years were recruited by multilingual community workers in Edmonton, AB, Canada. Parents completed a validated questionnaire on demographics, child’s oral health (OH) behaviours, parental acculturation and PSS. Dental examinations determined children’s dental caries rate using DMFT/dmft index. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to analyse the data. A total of 336 families participated in this study. The findings emphasize the important role of parental acculturation and PSS levels in predicting immigrant children’s oral health behaviours and dental caries. A conceptual model was designed and tested to predict immigrant children’s oral health in Canada by examining parental acculturation and perceived social support (PSS) using structural equation modelling. A convenience sample of first-generation immigrant parents and their children aged 2–12 years were recruited by multilingual community workers in Edmonton, AB, Canada. Parents completed a validated questionnaire on demographics, child’s oral health (OH) behaviours, parental acculturation and PSS. Dental examinations determined children’s dental caries rate using DMFT/dmft index. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to analyse the data. A total of 336 families participated in this study. The findings emphasize the important role of parental acculturation and PSS levels in predicting immigrant children’s oral health behaviours and dental caries.
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Forced migration, resettlement, and sport: Lessons from the Kabul-Edmonton soccer team

Forced migration is one of the most pressing crises of our lifetime. Of the millions forced to migrate, many come to know the brutality of state-managed migration that habitually denies asylum seekers and places substantive restrictions on refugees who have been resettled. Sociologists of sport and leisure have examined the sporting experiences of refugees through an intersectional lens, foregrounding how displacement and resettlement are differently lived and negotiated across overlapping power structures and markers of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, and legal status. Through a participatory and collective photovoice project, this article explores the experiences of an all-Afghan soccer team that played in a social, co-ed soccer league in the spring of 2022, just after they arrived in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. In photovoice narratives and subsequent interviews, team members underlined many of the barriers they faced as they navigated the formal and informal rules and dominant norms of this seemingly inclusive sports landscape. In doing so, they revealed some of the limits of official discourses of Canadian multiculturism, which rarely accommodate more significant forms of difference, and which reproduce racial and ethnic hierarchies that powerfully discipline newcomers who are encouraged to embrace their precarious status as model minorities. Forced migration is one of the most pressing crises of our lifetime. Of the millions forced to migrate, many come to know the brutality of state-managed migration that habitually denies asylum seekers and places substantive restrictions on refugees who have been resettled. Sociologists of sport and leisure have examined the sporting experiences of refugees through an intersectional lens, foregrounding how displacement and resettlement are differently lived and negotiated across overlapping power structures and markers of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, and legal status. Through a participatory and collective photovoice project, this article explores the experiences of an all-Afghan soccer team that played in a social, co-ed soccer league in the spring of 2022, just after they arrived in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. In photovoice narratives and subsequent interviews, team members underlined many of the barriers they faced as they navigated the formal and informal rules and dominant norms of this seemingly inclusive sports landscape. In doing so, they revealed some of the limits of official discourses of Canadian multiculturism, which rarely accommodate more significant forms of difference, and which reproduce racial and ethnic hierarchies that powerfully discipline newcomers who are encouraged to embrace their precarious status as model minorities.
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Employment barriers for racialized immigrants: A review of economic and social integration support and gaps in Edmonton, Alberta

This article explores the strategies used by government-sponsored institutions dedicated to addressing systemic barriers to employment for racialized immigrants in Edmonton. The research involved conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews with service providers, employment program coordinators from different settlement and employment agencies, and a research and training centre operating in Edmonton, Alberta. The first objective is to understand the barriers racialized immigrants face through the hiring and promotion process. The second objective is to understand the support provided by those institutions and the impact of their equity policies on how they assist racialized Canadians in finding gainful employment. Lastly, this study explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement on the employment of racialized immigrants in Edmonton. This article explores the strategies used by government-sponsored institutions dedicated to addressing systemic barriers to employment for racialized immigrants in Edmonton. The research involved conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews with service providers, employment program coordinators from different settlement and employment agencies, and a research and training centre operating in Edmonton, Alberta. The first objective is to understand the barriers racialized immigrants face through the hiring and promotion process. The second objective is to understand the support provided by those institutions and the impact of their equity policies on how they assist racialized Canadians in finding gainful employment. Lastly, this study explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement on the employment of racialized immigrants in Edmonton.
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Heterogeneity in immigrants’ municipal engagement and participation in Calgary

Canadian political science has a long history of studying elections at the provincial and federal levels, but there is a gap in studying municipal elections. Additionally, Canadian political science has some interest in studying immigrant participation in provincial and federal elections, but more research on immigrant involvement in municipal elections is required. The limited research on immigrant voting behaviour also combines immigrant communities into homogeneous groups for research purposes, which does not allow for a nuanced understanding of immigrant communities. Canadian political science, therefore, needs more research regarding immigrant participation in municipal government, engagement in local elections, and the differences among immigrant communities. My research addresses these gaps in 3 ways. First, I explore the differences between immigrant and non-immigrant groups in Calgary to establish potential differences in their levels of interest and attention to municipal politics. I then address the differences among immigrant communities when it comes to their engagement with municipal governments and their participation in local elections. I then turn to potential policy implications that could help immigrant communities engage with local government and elections. Canadian political science has a long history of studying elections at the provincial and federal levels, but there is a gap in studying municipal elections. Additionally, Canadian political science has some interest in studying immigrant participation in provincial and federal elections, but more research on immigrant involvement in municipal elections is required. The limited research on immigrant voting behaviour also combines immigrant communities into homogeneous groups for research purposes, which does not allow for a nuanced understanding of immigrant communities. Canadian political science, therefore, needs more research regarding immigrant participation in municipal government, engagement in local elections, and the differences among immigrant communities. My research addresses these gaps in 3 ways. First, I explore the differences between immigrant and non-immigrant groups in Calgary to establish potential differences in their levels of interest and attention to municipal politics. I then address the differences among immigrant communities when it comes to their engagement with municipal governments and their participation in local elections. I then turn to potential policy implications that could help immigrant communities engage with local government and elections.
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All Together Now Program (EMCA) Logic Model

The 2024 updated program logic model for the Edmonton Multicultural Coalition Association’s All Together Now Program. The 2024 updated program logic model for the Edmonton Multicultural Coalition Association’s All Together Now Program.
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CCIS Annual Report 2021 – 2022

The CCIS Annual Report 2021-2022 highlights the organization’s commitment to empowering immigrants and refugees in Southern Alberta. Celebrating 40 years of service, CCIS navigated the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to support vulnerable newcomers. The report outlines strategic initiatives, including the Afghan Resettlement Operation and the Land of Dreams urban farm project, which fosters community connection and food security. Emphasizing the importance of Indigenous experiences, CCIS aims to create an inclusive society where all individuals can thrive. The report reflects on achievements, partnerships, and the dedication of staff and volunteers in enhancing settlement services. The CCIS Annual Report 2021-2022 highlights the organization’s commitment to empowering immigrants and refugees in Southern Alberta. Celebrating 40 years of service, CCIS navigated the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to support vulnerable newcomers. The report outlines strategic initiatives, including the Afghan Resettlement Operation and the Land of Dreams urban farm project, which fosters community connection and food security. Emphasizing the importance of Indigenous experiences, CCIS aims to create an inclusive society where all individuals can thrive. The report reflects on achievements, partnerships, and the dedication of staff and volunteers in enhancing settlement services.
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Hands-on-ground in a new country: A community-based participatory evaluation with immigrant communities in Southern Alberta

This article summarizes our experience conducting a community-based participatory evaluation (CBPE), engaging community stakeholders in planning, implementing and evaluating a community garden for immigrants. This approach may catalyse sustainable community action with immigrant communities. This article summarizes our experience conducting a community-based participatory evaluation (CBPE), engaging community stakeholders in planning, implementing and evaluating a community garden for immigrants. This approach may catalyse sustainable community action with immigrant communities.
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Intersecting barriers: The production of housing vulnerability for LGBTQ refugees in Alberta, Canada

Canada’s National Housing Strategy acknowledges that identity factors are closely connected to housing vulnerability. Specifically, it identifies 12 groups at heightened risk of negative housing outcomes in Canada. In this research, we focus on the intersection of two of these groups: LGBTQ people and refugees. Existing studies establish that members of both groups are vulnerable to discrimination, homelessness, and housing unaffordability. However, they have largely been examined separately, and with limited insights into the factors that produce vulnerability. To develop a more nuanced and systemic account of LGBTQ refugees’ housing vulnerability, we conducted a study in Alberta, Canada. Utilizing Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality, and drawing on policy documents and key-informant interviews, we identified three types of barriers to housing. We conclude that an intersectional approach provides a foundation for systemic explanations of housing vulnerability that are too often absent in policy. Canada’s National Housing Strategy acknowledges that identity factors are closely connected to housing vulnerability. Specifically, it identifies 12 groups at heightened risk of negative housing outcomes in Canada. In this research, we focus on the intersection of two of these groups: LGBTQ people and refugees. Existing studies establish that members of both groups are vulnerable to discrimination, homelessness, and housing unaffordability. However, they have largely been examined separately, and with limited insights into the factors that produce vulnerability. To develop a more nuanced and systemic account of LGBTQ refugees’ housing vulnerability, we conducted a study in Alberta, Canada. Utilizing Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality, and drawing on policy documents and key-informant interviews, we identified three types of barriers to housing. We conclude that an intersectional approach provides a foundation for systemic explanations of housing vulnerability that are too often absent in policy.
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Pre-arrival Services for Filipinos in Alberta: Bridging Gaps in Immigrant Services – Pathways to Prosperity: Canada

Pre-arrival services are considered important in the settlement and integration of immigrants and newcomers in Canada. Filipinos comprise one of the largest groups of non-white immigrants and newcomers in Canada since the 1980s. Of all immigrant groups from non-western countries Filipinos are visibly marked as the “other” yet are considered “ideal’ workers in certain occupational categories like health and service industries where they are most concentrated. Filipinos in Alberta invariably accessed pre-arrival services before arriving in Canada (provided either by the Canadian or Philippine governments; provided by church groups, placement or recruitment agencies, immigration lawyers, and family or other social networks). Those Filipinos without any formal support prior to their arrival in Alberta have made use of varied strategies to find information to assist them in their settlement in the province. In general, pre-arrival services defined early success in the settlement and integration of Filipinos in Alberta. These services eventually shaped the choices and decisions they made upon arrival, and were viewed positively, albeit lacking in many ways. All Filipinos in the study are convinced that gender-neutral pre-arrival services provide a better integrative approach for inclusion in Canada, where both males and females are given the same quality of service and information. Pre-arrival services are considered important in the settlement and integration of immigrants and newcomers in Canada. Filipinos comprise one of the largest groups of non-white immigrants and newcomers in Canada since the 1980s. Of all immigrant groups from non-western countries Filipinos are visibly marked as the “other” yet are considered “ideal’ workers in certain occupational categories like health and service industries where they are most concentrated. Filipinos in Alberta invariably accessed pre-arrival services before arriving in Canada (provided either by the Canadian or Philippine governments; provided by church groups, placement or recruitment agencies, immigration lawyers, and family or other social networks). Those Filipinos without any formal support prior to their arrival in Alberta have made use of varied strategies to find information to assist them in their settlement in the province. In general, pre-arrival services defined early success in the settlement and integration of Filipinos in Alberta. These services eventually shaped the choices and decisions they made upon arrival, and were viewed positively, albeit lacking in many ways. All Filipinos in the study are convinced that gender-neutral pre-arrival services provide a better integrative approach for inclusion in Canada, where both males and females are given the same quality of service and information.
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