Please note, this is not an open access database or repository. We have focused on creating simple summaries of reports and articles that we have accessed through websites and academic journals, with a focus on key findings, so that even if a full report is not free to access you can reference it. When possible, we include a link to wherever the original document is hosted (which may or may not be open-access). If you come across a link that is no longer active, please let us know and we can update it. There are also some reports that will have been submitted directly to the project. In this case, these reports are uploaded directly with permission from the author or publisher. Any original documents found on this site are stored in Canada on our secure servers

Muslim students’ experiences and perspectives on current teaching practices in Canadian schools

This study described experiences of Muslim elementary school students. The schools are located in a large urban area in western Canada. For this study, children shared their lived experiences of schooling. The study results provide important insights into the lives of Muslim immigrant children who are trying to adapt to their host country while also maintaining their family and community religious beliefs and practices. According to the findings, there are clear signs of the presence of Islamophobia in Canadian schools. This study described experiences of Muslim elementary school students. The schools are located in a large urban area in western Canada. For this study, children shared their lived experiences of schooling. The study results provide important insights into the lives of Muslim immigrant children who are trying to adapt to their host country while also maintaining their family and community religious beliefs and practices. According to the findings, there are clear signs of the presence of Islamophobia in Canadian schools.
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Vulnerable Women’s Perceptions of Individual Versus Group Prenatal Care: Results of a Cross-Sectional Survey

Vulnerable pregnant women (e.g. women with low socio-economic status or recent immigrants) are less likely to receive adequate prenatal care or to attend perinatal education classes. CenteringPregnancy (CP) is a model of group prenatal care which combines assessment, education and support. This study aimed to assess patient experience among vulnerable women in group prenatal care compared to individual care. Results: Women in CP were younger, more likely to be single and having their first baby than women in individual care. Women in CP were significantly more likely to report having received enough information on exercise during pregnancy, breastfeeding and baby care. Women in CP were more likely to report that they felt their prenatal care providers were interested in how the pregnancy was affecting their life. Hence, group prenatal care provides a positive experience and improves information exchange among vulnerable populations. Programs interested in engaging, educating and empowering vulnerable pregnant women may benefit from implementation of group care. Vulnerable pregnant women (e.g. women with low socio-economic status or recent immigrants) are less likely to receive adequate prenatal care or to attend perinatal education classes. CenteringPregnancy (CP) is a model of group prenatal care which combines assessment, education and support. This study aimed to assess patient experience among vulnerable women in group prenatal care compared to individual care. Results: Women in CP were younger, more likely to be single and having their first baby than women in individual care. Women in CP were significantly more likely to report having received enough information on exercise during pregnancy, breastfeeding and baby care. Women in CP were more likely to report that they felt their prenatal care providers were interested in how the pregnancy was affecting their life. Hence, group prenatal care provides a positive experience and improves information exchange among vulnerable populations. Programs interested in engaging, educating and empowering vulnerable pregnant women may benefit from implementation of group care.
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Social, Emotional, and Academic Adjustment of Newcomer Syrian Refugee Children Within the School Context

Since the beginning of conflict in Syria, 52, 720 Syrian refugees were admitted to Canada between November 2015 and March 2018. Schools are one of the first and most impactful systems that young refugees enter and the quality of early school experiences significantly influences how successfully and quickly they settle. Yet, there is limited research examining the school experiences of refugee children. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the social, emotional, and academic adjustment experiences of newcomer Syrian refugee children between the ages of five to eight years within Edmonton schools. Following themes emerged during this study: (1) Role of Language in Adjustment, (2) Attitudes and Perspectives Towards Education, (3) Bonds and Relationships, (4) Initial Frustrations, Anxieties, and Fears, (5) Children’s Unique Strategies for Adapting in School, (6) Parental Involvement in the Schooling Process, and (7) Role of Personal Qualities in Adjustment. Since the beginning of conflict in Syria, 52, 720 Syrian refugees were admitted to Canada between November 2015 and March 2018. Schools are one of the first and most impactful systems that young refugees enter and the quality of early school experiences significantly influences how successfully and quickly they settle. Yet, there is limited research examining the school experiences of refugee children. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the social, emotional, and academic adjustment experiences of newcomer Syrian refugee children between the ages of five to eight years within Edmonton schools. Following themes emerged during this study: (1) Role of Language in Adjustment, (2) Attitudes and Perspectives Towards Education, (3) Bonds and Relationships, (4) Initial Frustrations, Anxieties, and Fears, (5) Children’s Unique Strategies for Adapting in School, (6) Parental Involvement in the Schooling Process, and (7) Role of Personal Qualities in Adjustment.
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Access and utilization of mental health services for immigrants and refugees: Perspectives of immigrant service providers

Difficult migration journeys and challenges in leaving one country and adapting to another are detrimental to immigrants’ mental health. Often these life stressors are coupled with a lack of adequate support which makes the adaptation process even more challenging. One area of support is access to and use of mental health services to prevent and address mental health concerns. Immigrant service providers in Canada support the integration and overall well-being of newcomers. This study focuses on immigrant service providers’ perceptions of access to and use of mental health services for immigrants and refugees in Alberta. Barriers to access and use of mental health services include language barriers, cultural interpretations of mental health, stigma around mental illness, and fear of negative repercussions when living with a mental illness. Strategies to improve mental health service delivery include developing community-based services, attending to financial barriers, training immigrant service providers on mental health, enhancing collaboration across sectors in mental health service delivery, and advancing the role of interpreters and cultural brokers. Overall, immigrant service providers present a nuanced view of the complex and inter-related barriers immigrants and refugees experience and identify potential approaches to enhancing mental health service delivery. Difficult migration journeys and challenges in leaving one country and adapting to another are detrimental to immigrants’ mental health. Often these life stressors are coupled with a lack of adequate support which makes the adaptation process even more challenging. One area of support is access to and use of mental health services to prevent and address mental health concerns. Immigrant service providers in Canada support the integration and overall well-being of newcomers. This study focuses on immigrant service providers’ perceptions of access to and use of mental health services for immigrants and refugees in Alberta. Barriers to access and use of mental health services include language barriers, cultural interpretations of mental health, stigma around mental illness, and fear of negative repercussions when living with a mental illness. Strategies to improve mental health service delivery include developing community-based services, attending to financial barriers, training immigrant service providers on mental health, enhancing collaboration across sectors in mental health service delivery, and advancing the role of interpreters and cultural brokers. Overall, immigrant service providers present a nuanced view of the complex and inter-related barriers immigrants and refugees experience and identify potential approaches to enhancing mental health service delivery.
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Caring for pregnant refugee women in a turbulent policy landscape: perspectives of health care professionals in Calgary, Alberta

Female refugees can be a vulnerable population, often having suffered through traumatic events that pose risks to their health, especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be an entry point into the health care system, providing health care professionals the opportunity to gain women’s trust, connect refugees with resources, and optimize the health of mother and child. Policies surrounding the provision and funding of health care services to refugees can impact access to and quality of care. The aim of our study was to understand the experiences of health care professionals caring for pregnant refugee women in Calgary, AB. Health care providers described several barriers when caring for pregnant refugees, including language barriers, difficulty navigating the health care system, and cultural barriers such as managing traditional gender dynamics, only wanting a female provider and differences in medical practices. Providers managed these barriers through using a team-based approach to care, coordinating the patient’s care with other services, and addressing both the medical and social needs of the patient. The federal funding cuts added additional challenges, as many refugees were left without adequate health coverage and the system was complicated to understand. Health care providers developed creative strategies to maximize coverage for their patients including paying out of pocket or relying on donations to care for uninsured refugees. Finally, the recent Syrian refugee influx has increased the demand on service providers and further strained already limited resources. Female refugees can be a vulnerable population, often having suffered through traumatic events that pose risks to their health, especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be an entry point into the health care system, providing health care professionals the opportunity to gain women’s trust, connect refugees with resources, and optimize the health of mother and child. Policies surrounding the provision and funding of health care services to refugees can impact access to and quality of care. The aim of our study was to understand the experiences of health care professionals caring for pregnant refugee women in Calgary, AB. Health care providers described several barriers when caring for pregnant refugees, including language barriers, difficulty navigating the health care system, and cultural barriers such as managing traditional gender dynamics, only wanting a female provider and differences in medical practices. Providers managed these barriers through using a team-based approach to care, coordinating the patient’s care with other services, and addressing both the medical and social needs of the patient. The federal funding cuts added additional challenges, as many refugees were left without adequate health coverage and the system was complicated to understand. Health care providers developed creative strategies to maximize coverage for their patients including paying out of pocket or relying on donations to care for uninsured refugees. Finally, the recent Syrian refugee influx has increased the demand on service providers and further strained already limited resources.
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The Settlement Experiences of Syrian Newcomers in Alberta: Social Connections and Interactions

Syrian refugees resettling in Alberta face complex integration challenges. Social connections are a key foundation to successful integration. The goal of this study was to better understand the nature of social networks, social support and social capital among Syrian refugees arriving in Alberta in 2015 and in 2016. The study also focused on comparing the resettlement experience of refugees from larger centers and small centers in Alberta, differentiating the experience of government assisted refugees (GARs), privately sponsored refugees (PSRs) and blended visa office referred (BVOR) refugees. The study found that social relationships are crucial to settlement and integration. The importance of ethno-cultural communities, sponsors and community organizations in settlement and integration is discussed. Overall, the study found that while newcomers were making friends and building ties, these were still nebulous and largely focused on settlement needs or linking to socio-cultural community. GARs had stronger links to settlement agencies as compared to PSRs who were more closely linked to community networks. Refugees in smaller centers reported a higher level of belonging and reported more engagement with settlement or community organizations, but had lower rates of participation in recreation or religious activities. While most participants experienced a certain sense of belonging to Canada, they simultaneously felt challenged while managing settlement concerns and combatting racism and social exclusion. Syrian refugees resettling in Alberta face complex integration challenges. Social connections are a key foundation to successful integration. The goal of this study was to better understand the nature of social networks, social support and social capital among Syrian refugees arriving in Alberta in 2015 and in 2016. The study also focused on comparing the resettlement experience of refugees from larger centers and small centers in Alberta, differentiating the experience of government assisted refugees (GARs), privately sponsored refugees (PSRs) and blended visa office referred (BVOR) refugees. The study found that social relationships are crucial to settlement and integration. The importance of ethno-cultural communities, sponsors and community organizations in settlement and integration is discussed. Overall, the study found that while newcomers were making friends and building ties, these were still nebulous and largely focused on settlement needs or linking to socio-cultural community. GARs had stronger links to settlement agencies as compared to PSRs who were more closely linked to community networks. Refugees in smaller centers reported a higher level of belonging and reported more engagement with settlement or community organizations, but had lower rates of participation in recreation or religious activities. While most participants experienced a certain sense of belonging to Canada, they simultaneously felt challenged while managing settlement concerns and combatting racism and social exclusion.
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Perspectives of Immigrant Women on the Gender of Provider During Childbirth

We studied how the gender of a medical provider affects the experience of immigrant women with obstetrical care. We interviewed 38 immigrant women from one hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. These women came from varied educational and ethnic backgrounds (predominately North/East African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian), but most were Muslim and married. Their average age was 27 years old. All of the women stated that they preferred a female provider. They explained their preference because they placed a high value on modesty, often as part of the Muslim faith. At the same time, the women deemed provider competency and having safe childbirth more important. Many said that they would accept care from a male provider if necessary. A small minority of the women reported experiencing psychological stress as a consequence of having received care from a male provider. Overall, women who participated in our study stated that they accepted care from male providers. But for some of them this compromise came at a price, and a small minority of women perceived it as hurtful. With this in mind, we see a need to identify those women for whom gender of provider is important. It will help with providing them with optimal care. We studied how the gender of a medical provider affects the experience of immigrant women with obstetrical care. We interviewed 38 immigrant women from one hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. These women came from varied educational and ethnic backgrounds (predominately North/East African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian), but most were Muslim and married. Their average age was 27 years old. All of the women stated that they preferred a female provider. They explained their preference because they placed a high value on modesty, often as part of the Muslim faith. At the same time, the women deemed provider competency and having safe childbirth more important. Many said that they would accept care from a male provider if necessary. A small minority of the women reported experiencing psychological stress as a consequence of having received care from a male provider. Overall, women who participated in our study stated that they accepted care from male providers. But for some of them this compromise came at a price, and a small minority of women perceived it as hurtful. With this in mind, we see a need to identify those women for whom gender of provider is important. It will help with providing them with optimal care.
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Bilingual Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder from Newcomer Families

The home language environment and language abilities were compared between children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with typical development, both from newcomer families in Edmonton. Children were in elementary school, mostly 6 and 7 year olds. The goal was to understand if there were differences in bilingual development between children with ASD and children with typical development at the same age. Specifically, we wanted to understand if children with ASD have the capacity to become bilingual and whether this is supported by their communities, clinicians and educators. We conclude that children with ASD are more at risk than children with typical development for losing their heritage language. In other words, children with ASD have the capacity to be bilingual, but have limited opportunities to develop their heritage language. The home language environment and language abilities were compared between children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with typical development, both from newcomer families in Edmonton. Children were in elementary school, mostly 6 and 7 year olds. The goal was to understand if there were differences in bilingual development between children with ASD and children with typical development at the same age. Specifically, we wanted to understand if children with ASD have the capacity to become bilingual and whether this is supported by their communities, clinicians and educators. We conclude that children with ASD are more at risk than children with typical development for losing their heritage language. In other words, children with ASD have the capacity to be bilingual, but have limited opportunities to develop their heritage language.
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CLIP Survey of Newcomers: Fall 2017 – Summary Report

The purpose of this survey was to better understand why Calgarians who were born outside of Canada do or do not access Canadian settlement services during their migration process. Many people advocated for more relevant, accurate information to be provided pre-arrival. They really wanted to know more about living in Canada and the realities of daily life in Calgary. This related to different social and economic systems in Canada—banking, housing, childcare, children’s education, health care, transit, and how to dress for Calgary’s weather—as well as social norms about environmental protection and recycling. Respondents also recommended various way to advertise settlement services and to help newcomers to effectively navigate the local service system upon arrival in Calgary. Helping newcomers find the programs that exist to help them is critical. More widespread, however, is the disconnection between the attraction of skilled workers and professionals to Canada and the realities of the job market in Calgary. Respondents lamented that they arrived with hope and optimism, only to find they had little chance of working in their chosen field upon arrival. Moreover, they found few if any appropriate supports to help them transition quickly or easily into the work they were trained to do. What this survey has shown is that better advertising of existing programs and services is essential. In addition, different kinds of services and supports are needed for professional and non-skilled migrants. The purpose of this survey was to better understand why Calgarians who were born outside of Canada do or do not access Canadian settlement services during their migration process. Many people advocated for more relevant, accurate information to be provided pre-arrival. They really wanted to know more about living in Canada and the realities of daily life in Calgary. This related to different social and economic systems in Canada—banking, housing, childcare, children’s education, health care, transit, and how to dress for Calgary’s weather—as well as social norms about environmental protection and recycling. Respondents also recommended various way to advertise settlement services and to help newcomers to effectively navigate the local service system upon arrival in Calgary. Helping newcomers find the programs that exist to help them is critical. More widespread, however, is the disconnection between the attraction of skilled workers and professionals to Canada and the realities of the job market in Calgary. Respondents lamented that they arrived with hope and optimism, only to find they had little chance of working in their chosen field upon arrival. Moreover, they found few if any appropriate supports to help them transition quickly or easily into the work they were trained to do. What this survey has shown is that better advertising of existing programs and services is essential. In addition, different kinds of services and supports are needed for professional and non-skilled migrants.
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What is your ‘first’ language in bilingual Canada? A study of language background profiling at publicly funded elementary schools across three provinces

Canada is a country with a complex linguistic and cultural landscape characterized by two official languages (English and French), a steady influx of immigrants, and a number of aboriginal communities. In a broader global environment bilingualism and multilingualism are increasingly recognized as a norm. In this paper, I review language background profiling practices at publicly funded Canadian elementary schools. While school boards recognize some aspects of bilingualism and multilingualism, most registration forms do not allow explicitly for the possibility of a child having more than one first/native language. Based on this paper’s analysis, I recommend (a) allowing parents to include more than one native language in registration forms, (b) include questions related to students’ dominance, primary language or most frequently used language; (c) distinguish between exposure to a language and spoken ability in a language. Canada is a country with a complex linguistic and cultural landscape characterized by two official languages (English and French), a steady influx of immigrants, and a number of aboriginal communities. In a broader global environment bilingualism and multilingualism are increasingly recognized as a norm. In this paper, I review language background profiling practices at publicly funded Canadian elementary schools. While school boards recognize some aspects of bilingualism and multilingualism, most registration forms do not allow explicitly for the possibility of a child having more than one first/native language. Based on this paper’s analysis, I recommend (a) allowing parents to include more than one native language in registration forms, (b) include questions related to students’ dominance, primary language or most frequently used language; (c) distinguish between exposure to a language and spoken ability in a language.
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