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Policy recommendations for the Ministry of Labour

Alberta has seen a significant increase in refugees in recent years, however, Immigrant and Refugee Board (IRB) hearings are backlogged and refugee claimants have limited access to services in the interim. AAISA is asking the Ministry of Labour to update Alberta Labour and Immigration’s strategic framework for newcomers, as well as increase funding for service provider organizations (SPOs) to provide services to refugees and refugee claimants. Alberta has seen a significant increase in refugees in recent years, however, Immigrant and Refugee Board (IRB) hearings are backlogged and refugee claimants have limited access to services in the interim. AAISA is asking the Ministry of Labour to update Alberta Labour and Immigration’s strategic framework for newcomers, as well as increase funding for service provider organizations (SPOs) to provide services to refugees and refugee claimants.
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Policy recommendations for the Ministry of Health

Health is a basic human right for all. The Ministry of Health needs to increase health providers’ awareness of the Interim Federal Healthcare Benefit (IFHB), provide immediate coverage from the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) to refugees, and include refugees as eligible beneficiaries under Alberta Labour funding accessibility. Health is a basic human right for all. The Ministry of Health needs to increase health providers’ awareness of the Interim Federal Healthcare Benefit (IFHB), provide immediate coverage from the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) to refugees, and include refugees as eligible beneficiaries under Alberta Labour funding accessibility.
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Policy recommendations for the Ministry of Justice

It is imperative that the Ministry of Justice improves the capacity and accessibility of Legal Aid, particularly when Alberta has seen a large increase in refugees in recent years. This will mitigate a significant barrier in the settlement sector, as well as strengthen Alberta’s social and economic fabric. It is imperative that the Ministry of Justice improves the capacity and accessibility of Legal Aid, particularly when Alberta has seen a large increase in refugees in recent years. This will mitigate a significant barrier in the settlement sector, as well as strengthen Alberta’s social and economic fabric.
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Ethnic Spatial Segmentation in Immigrant Destinations—Edmonton and Calgary

This study endeavors to systematize the classification of communities where immigrants are destined to settle. It also explores the issue of spatial segmentation in two such places in Alberta—Edmonton and Calgary. In both metropolitan areas, ethnic spatial segmentation exists, but not at the same scale as in a large metropolis like Toronto. Both metropolitan areas still have a substantial population of established white Canadians who identify as Germans or Ukrainians, although most of them reside in rural parts of these two areas. However, the rest of the urban landscapes is a mix of the white Canadians and recently arrived visible minorities. This study endeavors to systematize the classification of communities where immigrants are destined to settle. It also explores the issue of spatial segmentation in two such places in Alberta—Edmonton and Calgary. In both metropolitan areas, ethnic spatial segmentation exists, but not at the same scale as in a large metropolis like Toronto. Both metropolitan areas still have a substantial population of established white Canadians who identify as Germans or Ukrainians, although most of them reside in rural parts of these two areas. However, the rest of the urban landscapes is a mix of the white Canadians and recently arrived visible minorities.
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Refugee Claimants in Alberta

The backgrounder on referral in Alberta’s settlement and integration sector provides insights into the challenges faced by the referral system and offers suggestions for improvement. The document draws on interviews with agencies and identifies three categories of suggestions that could benefit referral processes: fostering information availability and dialogue between agencies, standardizing tools and processes, and building relationships. The backgrounder also highlights issues related to confidentiality in referral processes and the variation in how agencies approach this. Suggestions for sharing informational resources and the need for a directory of services are also discussed. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of ongoing efforts to enhance existing processes, tools, and relationships in the short-term. The backgrounder on referral in Alberta’s settlement and integration sector provides insights into the challenges faced by the referral system and offers suggestions for improvement. The document draws on interviews with agencies and identifies three categories of suggestions that could benefit referral processes: fostering information availability and dialogue between agencies, standardizing tools and processes, and building relationships. The backgrounder also highlights issues related to confidentiality in referral processes and the variation in how agencies approach this. Suggestions for sharing informational resources and the need for a directory of services are also discussed. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of ongoing efforts to enhance existing processes, tools, and relationships in the short-term.
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Leaving Homelands to finding Homes: Refugee Housing Affordability in Calgary

The issue of refugee housing affordability in Calgary is one which needs attention. In the coming years, Canada is expected to increase its refugee resettlement targets to approximately 15% of its total immigration quota. Data provided by CCIS shows a concentration of refugees living in the far north part of Calgary, some small portions in the Southwest, and a large concentration in the Forest Lawn/Northeast part of Calgary. This study assumes that the largest motivating factor for resettlement in these areas is housing affordability, constrained largely by refugee settlement funding. A survey of refugee budgets, when compared to available mean and lower quartile rental data, mostly corroborates this assumption. Single refugees are likely to face housing affordability issues far more than their counterparts with children, primarily due to the lack of child benefits. Refugee claimants, those seeking asylum in Canada, were at the greatest risk for homelessness in Calgary. It is recommended that the federal government consider granting refugee claimants benefits, and that the primary mechanism for increasing refugee housing affordability should be increasing cash transfers, including the possibility of a national housing benefit, to all Canadians. The issue of refugee housing affordability in Calgary is one which needs attention. In the coming years, Canada is expected to increase its refugee resettlement targets to approximately 15% of its total immigration quota. Data provided by CCIS shows a concentration of refugees living in the far north part of Calgary, some small portions in the Southwest, and a large concentration in the Forest Lawn/Northeast part of Calgary. This study assumes that the largest motivating factor for resettlement in these areas is housing affordability, constrained largely by refugee settlement funding. A survey of refugee budgets, when compared to available mean and lower quartile rental data, mostly corroborates this assumption. Single refugees are likely to face housing affordability issues far more than their counterparts with children, primarily due to the lack of child benefits. Refugee claimants, those seeking asylum in Canada, were at the greatest risk for homelessness in Calgary. It is recommended that the federal government consider granting refugee claimants benefits, and that the primary mechanism for increasing refugee housing affordability should be increasing cash transfers, including the possibility of a national housing benefit, to all Canadians.
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Social, Emotional, and Academic Adjustment of Newcomer Syrian Refugee Children Within the School Context

Since the beginning of conflict in Syria, 52, 720 Syrian refugees were admitted to Canada between November 2015 and March 2018. Schools are one of the first and most impactful systems that young refugees enter and the quality of early school experiences significantly influences how successfully and quickly they settle. Yet, there is limited research examining the school experiences of refugee children. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the social, emotional, and academic adjustment experiences of newcomer Syrian refugee children between the ages of five to eight years within Edmonton schools. Following themes emerged during this study: (1) Role of Language in Adjustment, (2) Attitudes and Perspectives Towards Education, (3) Bonds and Relationships, (4) Initial Frustrations, Anxieties, and Fears, (5) Children’s Unique Strategies for Adapting in School, (6) Parental Involvement in the Schooling Process, and (7) Role of Personal Qualities in Adjustment. Since the beginning of conflict in Syria, 52, 720 Syrian refugees were admitted to Canada between November 2015 and March 2018. Schools are one of the first and most impactful systems that young refugees enter and the quality of early school experiences significantly influences how successfully and quickly they settle. Yet, there is limited research examining the school experiences of refugee children. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the social, emotional, and academic adjustment experiences of newcomer Syrian refugee children between the ages of five to eight years within Edmonton schools. Following themes emerged during this study: (1) Role of Language in Adjustment, (2) Attitudes and Perspectives Towards Education, (3) Bonds and Relationships, (4) Initial Frustrations, Anxieties, and Fears, (5) Children’s Unique Strategies for Adapting in School, (6) Parental Involvement in the Schooling Process, and (7) Role of Personal Qualities in Adjustment.
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Supporting the resettlement of a Syrian family in Canada: The social work resettlement practice experience of Social Justice Matters

The Syrian conflict and war has contributed to the largest refugee crisis in recent history. Many refugees are seeking protection and safety for their family. This article discusses the context of the Syrian refugee crisis and how a group of social work faculty members are responding by supporting the resettlement of a Syrian refugee family in Canada. Private sponsorship options, grassroots activities, and the role of social work in resettlement are discussed. The paper explores the experiences of one refugee sponsor group composed of social work faculty, argues that social worker have an important role to play in refugee resettlement (through private sponsorship and other social work-related activities). This article concludes with a call to action for social workers to strengthen their support and involvement in the resettlement of refugees. The Syrian conflict and war has contributed to the largest refugee crisis in recent history. Many refugees are seeking protection and safety for their family. This article discusses the context of the Syrian refugee crisis and how a group of social work faculty members are responding by supporting the resettlement of a Syrian refugee family in Canada. Private sponsorship options, grassroots activities, and the role of social work in resettlement are discussed. The paper explores the experiences of one refugee sponsor group composed of social work faculty, argues that social worker have an important role to play in refugee resettlement (through private sponsorship and other social work-related activities). This article concludes with a call to action for social workers to strengthen their support and involvement in the resettlement of refugees.
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Access and utilization of mental health services for immigrants and refugees: Perspectives of immigrant service providers

Difficult migration journeys and challenges in leaving one country and adapting to another are detrimental to immigrants’ mental health. Often these life stressors are coupled with a lack of adequate support which makes the adaptation process even more challenging. One area of support is access to and use of mental health services to prevent and address mental health concerns. Immigrant service providers in Canada support the integration and overall well-being of newcomers. This study focuses on immigrant service providers’ perceptions of access to and use of mental health services for immigrants and refugees in Alberta. Barriers to access and use of mental health services include language barriers, cultural interpretations of mental health, stigma around mental illness, and fear of negative repercussions when living with a mental illness. Strategies to improve mental health service delivery include developing community-based services, attending to financial barriers, training immigrant service providers on mental health, enhancing collaboration across sectors in mental health service delivery, and advancing the role of interpreters and cultural brokers. Overall, immigrant service providers present a nuanced view of the complex and inter-related barriers immigrants and refugees experience and identify potential approaches to enhancing mental health service delivery. Difficult migration journeys and challenges in leaving one country and adapting to another are detrimental to immigrants’ mental health. Often these life stressors are coupled with a lack of adequate support which makes the adaptation process even more challenging. One area of support is access to and use of mental health services to prevent and address mental health concerns. Immigrant service providers in Canada support the integration and overall well-being of newcomers. This study focuses on immigrant service providers’ perceptions of access to and use of mental health services for immigrants and refugees in Alberta. Barriers to access and use of mental health services include language barriers, cultural interpretations of mental health, stigma around mental illness, and fear of negative repercussions when living with a mental illness. Strategies to improve mental health service delivery include developing community-based services, attending to financial barriers, training immigrant service providers on mental health, enhancing collaboration across sectors in mental health service delivery, and advancing the role of interpreters and cultural brokers. Overall, immigrant service providers present a nuanced view of the complex and inter-related barriers immigrants and refugees experience and identify potential approaches to enhancing mental health service delivery.
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Caring for pregnant refugee women in a turbulent policy landscape: perspectives of health care professionals in Calgary, Alberta

Female refugees can be a vulnerable population, often having suffered through traumatic events that pose risks to their health, especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be an entry point into the health care system, providing health care professionals the opportunity to gain women’s trust, connect refugees with resources, and optimize the health of mother and child. Policies surrounding the provision and funding of health care services to refugees can impact access to and quality of care. The aim of our study was to understand the experiences of health care professionals caring for pregnant refugee women in Calgary, AB. Health care providers described several barriers when caring for pregnant refugees, including language barriers, difficulty navigating the health care system, and cultural barriers such as managing traditional gender dynamics, only wanting a female provider and differences in medical practices. Providers managed these barriers through using a team-based approach to care, coordinating the patient’s care with other services, and addressing both the medical and social needs of the patient. The federal funding cuts added additional challenges, as many refugees were left without adequate health coverage and the system was complicated to understand. Health care providers developed creative strategies to maximize coverage for their patients including paying out of pocket or relying on donations to care for uninsured refugees. Finally, the recent Syrian refugee influx has increased the demand on service providers and further strained already limited resources. Female refugees can be a vulnerable population, often having suffered through traumatic events that pose risks to their health, especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be an entry point into the health care system, providing health care professionals the opportunity to gain women’s trust, connect refugees with resources, and optimize the health of mother and child. Policies surrounding the provision and funding of health care services to refugees can impact access to and quality of care. The aim of our study was to understand the experiences of health care professionals caring for pregnant refugee women in Calgary, AB. Health care providers described several barriers when caring for pregnant refugees, including language barriers, difficulty navigating the health care system, and cultural barriers such as managing traditional gender dynamics, only wanting a female provider and differences in medical practices. Providers managed these barriers through using a team-based approach to care, coordinating the patient’s care with other services, and addressing both the medical and social needs of the patient. The federal funding cuts added additional challenges, as many refugees were left without adequate health coverage and the system was complicated to understand. Health care providers developed creative strategies to maximize coverage for their patients including paying out of pocket or relying on donations to care for uninsured refugees. Finally, the recent Syrian refugee influx has increased the demand on service providers and further strained already limited resources.
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