Please note, this is not an open access database or repository. We have focused on creating simple summaries of reports and articles that we have accessed through websites and academic journals, with a focus on key findings, so that even if a full report is not free to access you can reference it. When possible, we include a link to wherever the original document is hosted (which may or may not be open-access). If you come across a link that is no longer active, please let us know and we can update it. There are also some reports that will have been submitted directly to the project. In this case, these reports are uploaded directly with permission from the author or publisher. Any original documents found on this site are stored in Canada on our secure servers

Connecting older Chinese people to mainstream services in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

This article presents the issues and challenges facing older Chinese immigrants in accessing mainstream services in Edmonton, Alberta, in Western Canada. The awareness and access to mainstream services and information, perceptions of services, system improvements and use of social media are discussed. Barriers to services include: isolation, impacting physical and mental health; few multicultural services (barriers around translation and access to services); barriers around age and ability (accessibility); cost barriers. The article suggests several recommendations: culturally competent service provision by mainstream services (including removing cost barriers, improving translation and accessibility); more collaboration between ‘mainstream’ service providers and ethno-specific organizations; more consultation with Chinese community; greater accessibility to translation; increased funding for human resources and training. This article presents the issues and challenges facing older Chinese immigrants in accessing mainstream services in Edmonton, Alberta, in Western Canada. The awareness and access to mainstream services and information, perceptions of services, system improvements and use of social media are discussed. Barriers to services include: isolation, impacting physical and mental health; few multicultural services (barriers around translation and access to services); barriers around age and ability (accessibility); cost barriers. The article suggests several recommendations: culturally competent service provision by mainstream services (including removing cost barriers, improving translation and accessibility); more collaboration between ‘mainstream’ service providers and ethno-specific organizations; more consultation with Chinese community; greater accessibility to translation; increased funding for human resources and training.
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Nurturing maternal health in the midst of difficult life circumstances: a qualitative study of women and providers connected to a community-based perinatal program

Many socioecological and structural factors affect women’s diets, physical activity, and her access and receptivity to perinatal care. We sought to explore women’s and providers’ perceptions and experiences of health in the pre- and post-natal period while facing difficult life circumstances, and accessing a community-based program partially funded by Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) in Alberta, Canada. Women perceived eating healthy foods, taking prenatal vitamins, and being physically active as key health behaviours during pregnancy and postpartum. However, they were commonly coping with many difficult life circumstances, and faced health barriers for themselves and their babies. These barriers included pregnancy or birth complications, family and spousal issues, financial difficulties, and living rurally. On the other hand, women and providers identified many aspects of the community-based program that addressed the burden of adversities as enablers to better health during pregnancy and postpartum. Community-based programs have an important role in alleviating some of the burden of coping with difficult life circumstances for women. With such potential, community-based programs need to be well supported through policies. Policies supporting these programs, and ensuring adequate funding, can enable more equitable services to rural women and truly promote maternal health during pregnancy and postpartum. Many socioecological and structural factors affect women’s diets, physical activity, and her access and receptivity to perinatal care. We sought to explore women’s and providers’ perceptions and experiences of health in the pre- and post-natal period while facing difficult life circumstances, and accessing a community-based program partially funded by Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) in Alberta, Canada. Women perceived eating healthy foods, taking prenatal vitamins, and being physically active as key health behaviours during pregnancy and postpartum. However, they were commonly coping with many difficult life circumstances, and faced health barriers for themselves and their babies. These barriers included pregnancy or birth complications, family and spousal issues, financial difficulties, and living rurally. On the other hand, women and providers identified many aspects of the community-based program that addressed the burden of adversities as enablers to better health during pregnancy and postpartum. Community-based programs have an important role in alleviating some of the burden of coping with difficult life circumstances for women. With such potential, community-based programs need to be well supported through policies. Policies supporting these programs, and ensuring adequate funding, can enable more equitable services to rural women and truly promote maternal health during pregnancy and postpartum.
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Caring for pregnant refugee women in a turbulent policy landscape: perspectives of health care professionals in Calgary, Alberta

Female refugees can be a vulnerable population, often having suffered through traumatic events that pose risks to their health, especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be an entry point into the health care system, providing health care professionals the opportunity to gain women’s trust, connect refugees with resources, and optimize the health of mother and child. Policies surrounding the provision and funding of health care services to refugees can impact access to and quality of care. The aim of our study was to understand the experiences of health care professionals caring for pregnant refugee women in Calgary, AB. Health care providers described several barriers when caring for pregnant refugees, including language barriers, difficulty navigating the health care system, and cultural barriers such as managing traditional gender dynamics, only wanting a female provider and differences in medical practices. Providers managed these barriers through using a team-based approach to care, coordinating the patient’s care with other services, and addressing both the medical and social needs of the patient. The federal funding cuts added additional challenges, as many refugees were left without adequate health coverage and the system was complicated to understand. Health care providers developed creative strategies to maximize coverage for their patients including paying out of pocket or relying on donations to care for uninsured refugees. Finally, the recent Syrian refugee influx has increased the demand on service providers and further strained already limited resources. Female refugees can be a vulnerable population, often having suffered through traumatic events that pose risks to their health, especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be an entry point into the health care system, providing health care professionals the opportunity to gain women’s trust, connect refugees with resources, and optimize the health of mother and child. Policies surrounding the provision and funding of health care services to refugees can impact access to and quality of care. The aim of our study was to understand the experiences of health care professionals caring for pregnant refugee women in Calgary, AB. Health care providers described several barriers when caring for pregnant refugees, including language barriers, difficulty navigating the health care system, and cultural barriers such as managing traditional gender dynamics, only wanting a female provider and differences in medical practices. Providers managed these barriers through using a team-based approach to care, coordinating the patient’s care with other services, and addressing both the medical and social needs of the patient. The federal funding cuts added additional challenges, as many refugees were left without adequate health coverage and the system was complicated to understand. Health care providers developed creative strategies to maximize coverage for their patients including paying out of pocket or relying on donations to care for uninsured refugees. Finally, the recent Syrian refugee influx has increased the demand on service providers and further strained already limited resources.
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Perspectives of Immigrant Women on the Gender of Provider During Childbirth

We studied how the gender of a medical provider affects the experience of immigrant women with obstetrical care. We interviewed 38 immigrant women from one hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. These women came from varied educational and ethnic backgrounds (predominately North/East African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian), but most were Muslim and married. Their average age was 27 years old. All of the women stated that they preferred a female provider. They explained their preference because they placed a high value on modesty, often as part of the Muslim faith. At the same time, the women deemed provider competency and having safe childbirth more important. Many said that they would accept care from a male provider if necessary. A small minority of the women reported experiencing psychological stress as a consequence of having received care from a male provider. Overall, women who participated in our study stated that they accepted care from male providers. But for some of them this compromise came at a price, and a small minority of women perceived it as hurtful. With this in mind, we see a need to identify those women for whom gender of provider is important. It will help with providing them with optimal care. We studied how the gender of a medical provider affects the experience of immigrant women with obstetrical care. We interviewed 38 immigrant women from one hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. These women came from varied educational and ethnic backgrounds (predominately North/East African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian), but most were Muslim and married. Their average age was 27 years old. All of the women stated that they preferred a female provider. They explained their preference because they placed a high value on modesty, often as part of the Muslim faith. At the same time, the women deemed provider competency and having safe childbirth more important. Many said that they would accept care from a male provider if necessary. A small minority of the women reported experiencing psychological stress as a consequence of having received care from a male provider. Overall, women who participated in our study stated that they accepted care from male providers. But for some of them this compromise came at a price, and a small minority of women perceived it as hurtful. With this in mind, we see a need to identify those women for whom gender of provider is important. It will help with providing them with optimal care.
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Psychosocial Determinants of Adherence to Preventive Dental Attendance for Preschool Children Among Filipino Immigrants in Edmonton, Alberta

This study explores how immigrant parents in Alberta-Edmonton’s Filipino community adhere to preventive dental attendance (PDA) for their preschool children. We also look at the psychosocial factors influencing parental adherence. Results: Upon arriving in Canada, most Filipino parents thought that PDA was not a priority. After migration, however, they embraced new knowledge about the importance of PDA for their children. Discussion: Filipino parents were open to the Western model of preventive oral healthcare, with the duration of their time in Canada playing a key role in promoting regular dental visits for their children. This study explores how immigrant parents in Alberta-Edmonton’s Filipino community adhere to preventive dental attendance (PDA) for their preschool children. We also look at the psychosocial factors influencing parental adherence. Results: Upon arriving in Canada, most Filipino parents thought that PDA was not a priority. After migration, however, they embraced new knowledge about the importance of PDA for their children. Discussion: Filipino parents were open to the Western model of preventive oral healthcare, with the duration of their time in Canada playing a key role in promoting regular dental visits for their children.
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Bilingual Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder from Newcomer Families

The home language environment and language abilities were compared between children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with typical development, both from newcomer families in Edmonton. Children were in elementary school, mostly 6 and 7 year olds. The goal was to understand if there were differences in bilingual development between children with ASD and children with typical development at the same age. Specifically, we wanted to understand if children with ASD have the capacity to become bilingual and whether this is supported by their communities, clinicians and educators. We conclude that children with ASD are more at risk than children with typical development for losing their heritage language. In other words, children with ASD have the capacity to be bilingual, but have limited opportunities to develop their heritage language. The home language environment and language abilities were compared between children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with typical development, both from newcomer families in Edmonton. Children were in elementary school, mostly 6 and 7 year olds. The goal was to understand if there were differences in bilingual development between children with ASD and children with typical development at the same age. Specifically, we wanted to understand if children with ASD have the capacity to become bilingual and whether this is supported by their communities, clinicians and educators. We conclude that children with ASD are more at risk than children with typical development for losing their heritage language. In other words, children with ASD have the capacity to be bilingual, but have limited opportunities to develop their heritage language.
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‘And when a certain health issue happen, they try to cover it’: Stakeholder perspectives on the health of temporary foreign workers and their families

This study examines stakeholders’ perspectives on the health and well-being of temporary foreign workers (TFWs) and their families in Alberta, Canada. Stakeholders involved in providing services to TFWs perceived that the workers experience (1) barriers in accessing mental health services, (2) mental health challenges, (3) family health challenges, (4) occupational health challenges, and (5) income and social status as a social determinant of health. Immigration and class status intersect to influence the health of this vulnerable population in Canada. This study examines stakeholders’ perspectives on the health and well-being of temporary foreign workers (TFWs) and their families in Alberta, Canada. Stakeholders involved in providing services to TFWs perceived that the workers experience (1) barriers in accessing mental health services, (2) mental health challenges, (3) family health challenges, (4) occupational health challenges, and (5) income and social status as a social determinant of health. Immigration and class status intersect to influence the health of this vulnerable population in Canada.
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Men Become Baby Dolls and Women Become Lions: African Immigrant Men’s Challenges with Transition and Integration

Over the past decade, scholars have begun to explore neglected aspects of immigrant family life such as gender relations, domestic violence, parenting, and relationships with service providers. Many of these studies, however, are based on women’s experiences. As an equally crucial starting point in building sustainable and resilient immigrant communities, our study focuses on the experiences of African immigrant men in a Canadian context. It reveals African immigrant men’s frustration with their search for a better life. Our thematic analysis of participants’ responses identified three main stressors among this group: challenges with economic integration, changing ideals about masculinities and gender relations across transnational spaces, and tensions in the parent-child relationship. These findings suggest that despite the vulnerabilities they face in Canada, African men could play a strategic role as critical agents of change in families’ transitions and integration. Overall, our study calls for the active engagement of both African immigrant men and women in developing policies and practices that impact their everyday lives. Over the past decade, scholars have begun to explore neglected aspects of immigrant family life such as gender relations, domestic violence, parenting, and relationships with service providers. Many of these studies, however, are based on women’s experiences. As an equally crucial starting point in building sustainable and resilient immigrant communities, our study focuses on the experiences of African immigrant men in a Canadian context. It reveals African immigrant men’s frustration with their search for a better life. Our thematic analysis of participants’ responses identified three main stressors among this group: challenges with economic integration, changing ideals about masculinities and gender relations across transnational spaces, and tensions in the parent-child relationship. These findings suggest that despite the vulnerabilities they face in Canada, African men could play a strategic role as critical agents of change in families’ transitions and integration. Overall, our study calls for the active engagement of both African immigrant men and women in developing policies and practices that impact their everyday lives.
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Racialized Women, the Law and the Violence of White Settler Colonialism

In 2001, Rie Fujii, a 23-year-old Japanese national living without legal status in Calgary, Alberta, Canada left her two infant children alone in her apartment for 10 days while visiting her out-of-town boyfriend. The children, Domenic and Gemini, died of dehydration and starvation. Charged with two counts of second-degree homicide, Fujii plead guilty to manslaughter and received an 8-year sentence. Through an analysis of the publicly available judicial documents relating to the crimes of Rie Fujii, this paper explores how the law’s individualization and medicalization of crime and violence may obscure the multiple forms of everyday and structural violence that racialized women in white settler states such as Canada experience and may perpetrate. I argue that the law’s conceptualization of crime and violence conceals and thus advances the violence endemic to white settler colonialism. In 2001, Rie Fujii, a 23-year-old Japanese national living without legal status in Calgary, Alberta, Canada left her two infant children alone in her apartment for 10 days while visiting her out-of-town boyfriend. The children, Domenic and Gemini, died of dehydration and starvation. Charged with two counts of second-degree homicide, Fujii plead guilty to manslaughter and received an 8-year sentence. Through an analysis of the publicly available judicial documents relating to the crimes of Rie Fujii, this paper explores how the law’s individualization and medicalization of crime and violence may obscure the multiple forms of everyday and structural violence that racialized women in white settler states such as Canada experience and may perpetrate. I argue that the law’s conceptualization of crime and violence conceals and thus advances the violence endemic to white settler colonialism.
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Uninsured Maternity Patients in Calgary: Local Trends and Survey of Health Care Workers

Uninsured maternity patients comprise a small but complex group of patients and include marginalized Canadians, undocumented immigrants, visitors, and non-Canadians seeking health care and/ or citizenship for their newborn. This study found a trend of uninsured deliveries in Calgary that is accounted for by non-Canadian patients. Midwives and physicians agree on provision of emergency care but not preventive care. Across medical specialties, fewer caregivers felt obliged to care for non-Canadian patients seeking citizenship for their newborn. Among physicians, 61% were aware of the Canadian Medical Protective Association’s guidelines on liability coverage for non-Canadian patients, and only 28% consistently protected themselves legally. There is large variation regarding whether physicians bill for services when the patient is uninsured. In Calgary, the study observed an increase in numbers of uninsured maternity patients. Differing ethical perspectives on the care of these patients may lead to conflict within health care teams because of differences on ethical perspectives of care among team members. Health care providers require education to understand the implications and challenges of obstetrical care of non-Canadians. Uninsured maternity patients comprise a small but complex group of patients and include marginalized Canadians, undocumented immigrants, visitors, and non-Canadians seeking health care and/ or citizenship for their newborn. This study found a trend of uninsured deliveries in Calgary that is accounted for by non-Canadian patients. Midwives and physicians agree on provision of emergency care but not preventive care. Across medical specialties, fewer caregivers felt obliged to care for non-Canadian patients seeking citizenship for their newborn. Among physicians, 61% were aware of the Canadian Medical Protective Association’s guidelines on liability coverage for non-Canadian patients, and only 28% consistently protected themselves legally. There is large variation regarding whether physicians bill for services when the patient is uninsured. In Calgary, the study observed an increase in numbers of uninsured maternity patients. Differing ethical perspectives on the care of these patients may lead to conflict within health care teams because of differences on ethical perspectives of care among team members. Health care providers require education to understand the implications and challenges of obstetrical care of non-Canadians.
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