This report provides insights and solutions for the housing challenges faced by newcomers in Calgary. It was compiled by a team of experts from various organizations and communities, and it aims to shed light on the difficulties that newcomers face when it comes to finding affordable housing in the city. The report discusses the various challenges that newcomers face, such as language barriers, discrimination, and lack of knowledge about the housing market. It also highlights the initiatives and programs in place to address these challenges and provides recommendations for individuals and organizations to get involved in advocating for better housing options for newcomers in Calgary. Overall, this report is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding and addressing the housing challenges of newcomers in Calgary.
Authors: Alina Tanasescu,Michael Classens,Debbie Turner,Sibylle Richter-Salmons,Valerie Pruegger,Alan Smart,Umil Chugh,Michael Price
Publication Date: 1/1/2009
Publication Type: Report
Community organizations:
Calgary Homeless Foundation
United Way of Calgary and Area
Future research / gaps identified:
The need for additional research into the negotiation of assistance and informal housing arrangements among ethno-cultural communities.
The role of gender in housing experiences for newcomers, particularly in understanding how best to assist women experiencing isolation and abuse.
The need for future research exploring the role of immigrant status and how it contributes to homelessness.
The particular struggles of refugee claimants, Temporary Foreign Workers, and illegal immigrants in obtaining and maintaining housing.
Promising practices in the delivery of culturally appropriate re-housing, housing, and prevention services to newcomers should be explored.
Improving the understanding of newcomers’ housing issues and how this has been intensified by economic restructuring at the global level is necessary to develop appropriate policy recommendations.
Key recommendations:
Increase the availability of affordable housing options for newcomers in Calgary, including building new houses and expanding rental assistance programs.
Improve recognition of foreign credentials to increase employment opportunities for newcomers.
Enhance communication and collaboration between settlement and homeless sectors to improve service delivery coordination, including creating a shared database accessible by all service agencies.
Address the unique challenges faced by Temporary Foreign Workers, including loosening work permit restrictions that tie workers to one employer.
Develop and implement curricula in grade-school and middle-school to raise awareness of issues including immigration, racism, and discrimination, and launch public relations and media campaigns to raise awareness with the general public.
Key findings:
Many newcomers face significant challenges in finding and maintaining affordable and suitable housing, which can lead to homelessness or precarious housing situations.
Newcomers often rely on informal networks, such as friends and family, to find housing, but these arrangements can be unstable and may lead to overcrowding or other problems.
Discrimination and racism can be significant barriers to accessing housing for newcomers, particularly those who are racialized or have limited English proficiency.
Women newcomers are particularly vulnerable to housing insecurity, as they may face isolation, abuse, and other forms of gender-based violence.
There is a need for more culturally appropriate and responsive housing services for newcomers, as well as policy changes to address the systemic barriers that contribute to housing insecurity.
Key populations: newcomers in general