The Unravelling of Identities and Belonging: Criminal Gang Involvement of Youth from Immigrant Families

This Canadian study examined criminal gang involvement of youth from immigrant families. Our analysis showed that gang-involved youth had experienced multiple, severe and prolonged personal and interpersonal challenges in all facets of their lives and that gradual disintegration of their relationships with family, school and community had resulted in the unravelling of self-concept, ethnic identity, sense of belonging and sense of citizenship and progressively propelled them towards membership in high-risk social cliques and criminal gangs. Our findings brought attention to the need for coordinated, comprehensive support for youth from immigrant families through family-based, school-based and community-based programs.
Authors: Hieu Van Ngo,Avery Calhoun,Catherine Worthington,Tim Pyrch,David Este Publication Date: 2/1/2017

Publication Type: Journal Article