Dismantling systemic racism, transforming lives: The City of Calgary Anti-Racism Strategic Framework 2023-2027

The City of Calgary Anti-Racism Strategic Framework 2023–2027 outlines the city's commitment to dismantling systemic racism and promoting racial equity and justice. This framework focuses on amplifying transformative engagement, monitoring and evaluation, centering lived experiences, and adopting an anti-colonial lens. It aims to create a racially-just Calgary through education, engagement, collaboration, and policy changes. The framework outlines various programs, services, policies, and systems that will be implemented to achieve desired results, such as racially equitable programs and services, increased representation of Indigenous, Black, and diverse racialized peoples, and the creation of anti-racist safe spaces and processes. The document also emphasizes the importance of incorporating disaggregated race-based data analysis and developing practices and guidelines to enhance racially responsive interactions in public spaces. Overall, this strategic framework provides a roadmap for the City of Calgary to address systemic racism and transform lives in the community.
Authors: City of Calgary Publication Date: 1/1/2023