“I am not who you think I am”: Multiple, hybrid and racialized identities of Canadian Muslim youth in the negotiation of belonging and citizenship

The challenges faced by Muslim youth in Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto in developing a meaningful and stable identity in an era of global conflicts, collective surveillance, and suspicion are explored. The study focuses on the negotiation of belonging and citizenship among Canadian Muslim youth, who navigate multiple, complex, and hybrid identities. 5 major themes were identified: navigation of multiple identities, religious identity and spirituality, media portrayals of Muslims, claiming inclusion and belonging in the face of anti-Muslim racism, and recommendations for positive youth development. By listening to the voices of Canadian Muslim youth, policymakers, practitioners, Muslim communities, and organizations can develop strategies to support their development.
Authors: Aamir Jamal,Clive Baldwin,Wasif Ali,Swati Dhingra Publication Date: 1/1/2023