Please note, this is not an open access database or repository. We have focused on creating simple summaries of reports and articles that we have accessed through websites and academic journals, with a focus on key findings, so that even if a full report is not free to access you can reference it. When possible, we include a link to wherever the original document is hosted (which may or may not be open-access). If you come across a link that is no longer active, please let us know and we can update it. There are also some reports that will have been submitted directly to the project. In this case, these reports are uploaded directly with permission from the author or publisher. Any original documents found on this site are stored in Canada on our secure servers

Should I Stay or Should I Go? International Students’ Decision-Making About Staying in Canada

Recent decades have seen an increase in the popularity of international education. Approximately 500,000 international students were in Canada in 2018 and this number is projected to grow. While we know that many international students decide to stay in Canada, we do not fully understand the decision-making process employed by international students regarding staying in Canada or going back home after completing their education. The purpose of this study was to explore how international students make decisions about their post-graduation destination and what factors they see as pivotal in shaping their decision-making process. Our findings suggest that the meaning students attach to staying in Canada varies from obtaining permanent residency to working for a few months upon graduation. We also demonstrate that for most students, the decision to stay in Canada is formed gradually and is shaped by familial obligations, cultural climate they experience in Canada, employment opportunities available to them upon graduation, and the possibility of obtaining permanent residency. Recent decades have seen an increase in the popularity of international education. Approximately 500,000 international students were in Canada in 2018 and this number is projected to grow. While we know that many international students decide to stay in Canada, we do not fully understand the decision-making process employed by international students regarding staying in Canada or going back home after completing their education. The purpose of this study was to explore how international students make decisions about their post-graduation destination and what factors they see as pivotal in shaping their decision-making process. Our findings suggest that the meaning students attach to staying in Canada varies from obtaining permanent residency to working for a few months upon graduation. We also demonstrate that for most students, the decision to stay in Canada is formed gradually and is shaped by familial obligations, cultural climate they experience in Canada, employment opportunities available to them upon graduation, and the possibility of obtaining permanent residency.
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Recruitment strategies used in a survey of African immigrant maternal mental health in Alberta, Canada

African immigrant women are underrepresented in health research on maternal mental health. Thus, there is a need to highlight successful recruitment strategies to engage African women in health-oriented research. This study highlights the importance of utilizing multiple recruitment strategies to successfully meet the desired sample size for a survey study. African immigrant women are underrepresented in health research on maternal mental health. Thus, there is a need to highlight successful recruitment strategies to engage African women in health-oriented research. This study highlights the importance of utilizing multiple recruitment strategies to successfully meet the desired sample size for a survey study.
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Community readiness for building newcomer belonging: town of Hanna, AB

The Community Newcomer Needs Assessment is an opportunity for municipalities to learn about the strengths, weaknesses, and gaps of local services and supports for newcomers, and challenges the communities to develop a plan to address gaps and weaknesses; help municipalities assess challenges for newcomers provide information about the immigration process. Key strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in services and various challenges and opportunities for newcomers are identified in this report through the lens of the newcomer journey and the newcomer developing a sense of belonging. The Community Newcomer Needs Assessment is an opportunity for municipalities to learn about the strengths, weaknesses, and gaps of local services and supports for newcomers, and challenges the communities to develop a plan to address gaps and weaknesses; help municipalities assess challenges for newcomers provide information about the immigration process. Key strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in services and various challenges and opportunities for newcomers are identified in this report through the lens of the newcomer journey and the newcomer developing a sense of belonging.
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Picturing Settlement Experiences: Immigrant Women’s Senses of Comfortable and Uncomfortable Places in a Small Urban Center in Canada

Small cities tend to have modest immigrant settlement services and cultural amenities, engendering a distinct sense of place among immigrants and impacting their wellbeing differently from large cities. This research examines the sense of place among immigrant women through their attribution of meanings to places of comfort and discomfort as they settled in a small city in Canada. Immigrant women took photographs of places that they considered to be either comfortable or uncomfortable. Findings indicated that these women appreciated the warmth and support extended to them by settlement services provider organizations, libraries, and faith-based organizations, attesting to the relational nature of the place. Nevertheless, immigrant women dreaded harsh winter conditions and felt unsafe in downtown areas. Immigrant women sought comfort in locales that this paper terms “restorative space,” showing their creative use of private and public spaces for relaxation. The findings from this study call for settlement policies that attend to distinct characteristics of local places to better serve the settlement needs of immigrants. Small cities tend to have modest immigrant settlement services and cultural amenities, engendering a distinct sense of place among immigrants and impacting their wellbeing differently from large cities. This research examines the sense of place among immigrant women through their attribution of meanings to places of comfort and discomfort as they settled in a small city in Canada. Immigrant women took photographs of places that they considered to be either comfortable or uncomfortable. Findings indicated that these women appreciated the warmth and support extended to them by settlement services provider organizations, libraries, and faith-based organizations, attesting to the relational nature of the place. Nevertheless, immigrant women dreaded harsh winter conditions and felt unsafe in downtown areas. Immigrant women sought comfort in locales that this paper terms “restorative space,” showing their creative use of private and public spaces for relaxation. The findings from this study call for settlement policies that attend to distinct characteristics of local places to better serve the settlement needs of immigrants.
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Discrimination, Psychological Isolation, and Flight from School

Discrimination negatively impacts students’ ability to adapt to and deal with the educational stressors of a new environment. When students experience discrimination, their options are to fight, fawn, or flee—that is, skip school. Results show that experiences of discrimination and psychological isolation are significant predictors of truancy (skipping school). I also find support for the effects of length of residency, paid employment, and participation in voluntary activities on increasing truancy, suggesting the importance of acculturation, socio-economic status, and time availability. Discrimination negatively impacts students’ ability to adapt to and deal with the educational stressors of a new environment. When students experience discrimination, their options are to fight, fawn, or flee—that is, skip school. Results show that experiences of discrimination and psychological isolation are significant predictors of truancy (skipping school). I also find support for the effects of length of residency, paid employment, and participation in voluntary activities on increasing truancy, suggesting the importance of acculturation, socio-economic status, and time availability.
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Suffering and pain: Racialized immigrant women’s use of mental health services in Lethbridge, Alberta

Drawing on in-depth interviews with 13 racialized immigrant women, this research explores experiences of using mental health services in Lethbridge, Alberta. The women’s narratives serve as a thread linking psychiatric, neoliberal, colonial, patriarchal, and other power relations. The treatments focused on the women’s concerns as individualized; the resulting prescription of antidepressants and psychotherapy required self-colonization to relieve their pain, complicating several women’s experiences of using mental health services. Some women found medical interventions beneficial to their wellbeing, while others resisted psychiatric knowledge at various points because of the embodied suffering they faced, and their reliance on conflicting cultural beliefs and healing systems. By analyzing these women’s experiences, I offer a rethinking of the biomedical conceptualization of mental illness as a natural and universally occurring pathology. Ultimately, I argue that current framings of mental illness obscure the intersectional power relations that played an important role in contributing to these women’s distress. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 13 racialized immigrant women, this research explores experiences of using mental health services in Lethbridge, Alberta. The women’s narratives serve as a thread linking psychiatric, neoliberal, colonial, patriarchal, and other power relations. The treatments focused on the women’s concerns as individualized; the resulting prescription of antidepressants and psychotherapy required self-colonization to relieve their pain, complicating several women’s experiences of using mental health services. Some women found medical interventions beneficial to their wellbeing, while others resisted psychiatric knowledge at various points because of the embodied suffering they faced, and their reliance on conflicting cultural beliefs and healing systems. By analyzing these women’s experiences, I offer a rethinking of the biomedical conceptualization of mental illness as a natural and universally occurring pathology. Ultimately, I argue that current framings of mental illness obscure the intersectional power relations that played an important role in contributing to these women’s distress.
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“It was like sugar-coated words”: Revictimization when South Asian immigrant women disclose domestic violence

This qualitative study explores South Asian immigrant women’s experiences of domestic violence, their views on help-seeking, and access to informal or formal sources of supports. Drawing from grounded theory approaches, this article focuses on one major theme, revictimization, which provides insights into the mistreatment and experiences of seven women who encountered challenges when disclosing abuse. Through an intersectional lens, this article examines how participants were revictimized and mistreated by people within and outside their own community including service providers who they trusted. Implications to reduce levels of mistrust for community members and service providers working with this specific population in Canada are discussed. This qualitative study explores South Asian immigrant women’s experiences of domestic violence, their views on help-seeking, and access to informal or formal sources of supports. Drawing from grounded theory approaches, this article focuses on one major theme, revictimization, which provides insights into the mistreatment and experiences of seven women who encountered challenges when disclosing abuse. Through an intersectional lens, this article examines how participants were revictimized and mistreated by people within and outside their own community including service providers who they trusted. Implications to reduce levels of mistrust for community members and service providers working with this specific population in Canada are discussed.
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How Collecting Race-Based Data Can Address Systemic Racism in Public Education

Edmonton Public School Trustee Michael Janz discusses forward movement in collecting race-based data in Edmonton schools since 2020, while also highlighting multiple areas where Edmonton schools can improve their race-based data, anti-racism and diversity initiatives. Edmonton Public School Trustee Michael Janz discusses forward movement in collecting race-based data in Edmonton schools since 2020, while also highlighting multiple areas where Edmonton schools can improve their race-based data, anti-racism and diversity initiatives.
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What We Heard: Educators Supporting Newcomer Families

Through focus groups with educators working with newcomer children, this study asked: 1) For newcomer families, what are indicators of quality in early learning and child care?, and 2) What are the essential dispositions child care educators demonstrate that meet the needs of newcomer children and families? 5 key themes were identified, including language barriers and tensions, the need for flexibility, and how educators can grow, seek and co-learn with newcomer families. Through focus groups with educators working with newcomer children, this study asked: 1) For newcomer families, what are indicators of quality in early learning and child care?, and 2) What are the essential dispositions child care educators demonstrate that meet the needs of newcomer children and families? 5 key themes were identified, including language barriers and tensions, the need for flexibility, and how educators can grow, seek and co-learn with newcomer families.
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Funding the Future for Refugee and Newcomer Youth

The article outlines the story of Vanessa Desa and how she founded the Edmonton Refugee and Emerging Community Scholarship fund to help refugee and newcomer youth pursue post-secondary opportunities. The article outlines the story of Vanessa Desa and how she founded the Edmonton Refugee and Emerging Community Scholarship fund to help refugee and newcomer youth pursue post-secondary opportunities.
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