Please note, this is not an open access database or repository. We have focused on creating simple summaries of reports and articles that we have accessed through websites and academic journals, with a focus on key findings, so that even if a full report is not free to access you can reference it. When possible, we include a link to wherever the original document is hosted (which may or may not be open-access). If you come across a link that is no longer active, please let us know and we can update it. There are also some reports that will have been submitted directly to the project. In this case, these reports are uploaded directly with permission from the author or publisher. Any original documents found on this site are stored in Canada on our secure servers
The United States and Canada have resettled over 120,000 Afghan refugees since August 2021, but sociodemographic and health status data remains sparse with investigations often limited to refugee entrance exams, standardized health screenings, or acute health settings. This retrospective community-engaged cohort study investigated Afghan patients who received care between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2020 at an interdisciplinary specialized refugee clinic in Calgary, AB, Canada that provides care to newly arrived refugees. 2 reviewers independently extracted and manually verified sociodemographic factors, medical diagnoses, and clinic utilization variables from patients’ electronic medical records, then coded patient diagnoses into ICD-10 codes and chapter groups. Diagnosis frequencies were calculated and stratified by age group and sex. We corroborated these findings with Afghan refugee co-investigators. Among 402 Afghan refugee patients, they were relatively young, experienced diverse health characteristics, and had multi-specialty care engagement in their first two years after arrival. These findings may guide specialized healthcare provision to this inadequately characterized but growing population of refugee arrivals in North America and elsewhere. The United States and Canada have resettled over 120,000 Afghan refugees since August 2021, but sociodemographic and health status data remains sparse with investigations often limited to refugee entrance exams, standardized health screenings, or acute health settings. This retrospective community-engaged cohort study investigated Afghan patients who received care between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2020 at an interdisciplinary specialized refugee clinic in Calgary, AB, Canada that provides care to newly arrived refugees. 2 reviewers independently extracted and manually verified sociodemographic factors, medical diagnoses, and clinic utilization variables from patients’ electronic medical records, then coded patient diagnoses into ICD-10 codes and chapter groups. Diagnosis frequencies were calculated and stratified by age group and sex. We corroborated these findings with Afghan refugee co-investigators. Among 402 Afghan refugee patients, they were relatively young, experienced diverse health characteristics, and had multi-specialty care engagement in their first two years after arrival. These findings may guide specialized healthcare provision to this inadequately characterized but growing population of refugee arrivals in North America and elsewhere.
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Following spring 2020’s deadly COVID-19 outbreaks in the Alberta meatpacking industry, we conducted research with meatpackers who were formerly resettled refugees and now Canadian permanent residents (PRs) or Canadian citizens. Research with temporary foreign workers often promotes permanent legal status as a solution to poor conditions of precarious work in Canada, but even with permanent immigration status, former refugees experienced a large gap between their rights as “guaranteed” by the state through their PR status and their daily work in meatpacking plants in rural Alberta. Work in the plants is dangerous, dirty, and difficult, and employees found it difficult to enact their rights as workers. Access to adequate breaks, sick days, and other mandated requirements was reported to be contested and contingent. Former refugees working in this sector experience unexpected “unfreedom.” Following spring 2020’s deadly COVID-19 outbreaks in the Alberta meatpacking industry, we conducted research with meatpackers who were formerly resettled refugees and now Canadian permanent residents (PRs) or Canadian citizens. Research with temporary foreign workers often promotes permanent legal status as a solution to poor conditions of precarious work in Canada, but even with permanent immigration status, former refugees experienced a large gap between their rights as “guaranteed” by the state through their PR status and their daily work in meatpacking plants in rural Alberta. Work in the plants is dangerous, dirty, and difficult, and employees found it difficult to enact their rights as workers. Access to adequate breaks, sick days, and other mandated requirements was reported to be contested and contingent. Former refugees working in this sector experience unexpected “unfreedom.”
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The Calgary-based Foundation for Black Communities’ (FFBC) Black Ideas Grant (BIG) Bridge and Build Program has provided funding for RaricaNow, an organization in Edmonton aiding 2SLGBTQ+ refugees. The numbers of 2SLGBTQ+ refugees continue to climb, and this grant will allow RaricaNow to provide housing and more settlement supports. The Calgary-based Foundation for Black Communities’ (FFBC) Black Ideas Grant (BIG) Bridge and Build Program has provided funding for RaricaNow, an organization in Edmonton aiding 2SLGBTQ+ refugees. The numbers of 2SLGBTQ+ refugees continue to climb, and this grant will allow RaricaNow to provide housing and more settlement supports.
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This study explored pathways to success through a narrative inquiry into the settlement and integration experiences of refugees from Ethiopia living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The study filled an important gap in information that accounted for success by refugees, although there was ample evidence regarding the structural challenges faced by all groups of newcomers in Canada. The end-goal was to develop a deeper understanding into how adult learning could be tailored to meet the needs of refugees and possibly other groups of newcomers. The theoretical frameworks that guided this study included insights about the role of agency, structure, and lifelong learning primarily through the scholarly contributions by Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, and Peter Jarvis. Additionally, the study included insights by multiple scholars who explored the settlement and integration experiences of newcomers in Canada. The narrative data was collected through conversational interviews with the participants. Afterwards, the data was transcribed, analyzed, and stored in consideration of ethical practices. The study revealed multiple perspectives on the meaning of success based on insights shared by the participants. This study explored pathways to success through a narrative inquiry into the settlement and integration experiences of refugees from Ethiopia living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The study filled an important gap in information that accounted for success by refugees, although there was ample evidence regarding the structural challenges faced by all groups of newcomers in Canada. The end-goal was to develop a deeper understanding into how adult learning could be tailored to meet the needs of refugees and possibly other groups of newcomers. The theoretical frameworks that guided this study included insights about the role of agency, structure, and lifelong learning primarily through the scholarly contributions by Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, and Peter Jarvis. Additionally, the study included insights by multiple scholars who explored the settlement and integration experiences of newcomers in Canada. The narrative data was collected through conversational interviews with the participants. Afterwards, the data was transcribed, analyzed, and stored in consideration of ethical practices. The study revealed multiple perspectives on the meaning of success based on insights shared by the participants.
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Last year, Alberta launched a temporary 1 year driver’s license exchange program for Ukrainian refugees with a Ukrainian Category B or BE driver’s license. The goal of the program was to help refugees find and access employment and care for their families. As of April 18, 2024, this program is now permanent. Last year, Alberta launched a temporary 1 year driver’s license exchange program for Ukrainian refugees with a Ukrainian Category B or BE driver’s license. The goal of the program was to help refugees find and access employment and care for their families. As of April 18, 2024, this program is now permanent.
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Forced migration is one of the most pressing crises of our lifetime. Of the millions forced to migrate, many come to know the brutality of state-managed migration that habitually denies asylum seekers and places substantive restrictions on refugees who have been resettled. Sociologists of sport and leisure have examined the sporting experiences of refugees through an intersectional lens, foregrounding how displacement and resettlement are differently lived and negotiated across overlapping power structures and markers of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, and legal status.
Through a participatory and collective photovoice project, this article explores the experiences of an all-Afghan soccer team that played in a social, co-ed soccer league in the spring of 2022, just after they arrived in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. In photovoice narratives and subsequent interviews, team members underlined many of the barriers they faced as they navigated the formal and informal rules and dominant norms of this seemingly inclusive sports landscape. In doing so, they revealed some of the limits of official discourses of Canadian multiculturism, which rarely accommodate more significant forms of difference, and which reproduce racial and ethnic hierarchies that powerfully discipline newcomers who are encouraged to embrace their precarious status as model minorities. Forced migration is one of the most pressing crises of our lifetime. Of the millions forced to migrate, many come to know the brutality of state-managed migration that habitually denies asylum seekers and places substantive restrictions on refugees who have been resettled. Sociologists of sport and leisure have examined the sporting experiences of refugees through an intersectional lens, foregrounding how displacement and resettlement are differently lived and negotiated across overlapping power structures and markers of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, and legal status.
Through a participatory and collective photovoice project, this article explores the experiences of an all-Afghan soccer team that played in a social, co-ed soccer league in the spring of 2022, just after they arrived in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. In photovoice narratives and subsequent interviews, team members underlined many of the barriers they faced as they navigated the formal and informal rules and dominant norms of this seemingly inclusive sports landscape. In doing so, they revealed some of the limits of official discourses of Canadian multiculturism, which rarely accommodate more significant forms of difference, and which reproduce racial and ethnic hierarchies that powerfully discipline newcomers who are encouraged to embrace their precarious status as model minorities.
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The World Health Organization stresses the need for tailored COVID-19 models of vaccination to meet the needs of diverse populations and ultimately reach high rates of vaccination. However, little evidence exists on how COVID-19 models of vaccination operated in the novel context of the pandemic, how vulnerable populations, such as refugees, experience COVID-19 vaccination systems in high-income countries, and what lessons may be learned from vaccination efforts with vulnerable populations. To address this gap, this study explored COVID-19 vaccine delivery models available to newcomer refugees and immigrants, and refugee experiences across diferent COVID-19 vaccine delivery models in Calgary, Canada, and surrounding area in 2021 and 2022, to understand the barriers, strengths, and strategies of models to support access to COVID-19 vaccination for newcomer refugees and immigrants. Structured interviews with Government Assisted Refugees (n=39), and semistructured interviews with Privately Sponsored Refugees (n=6), private refugee sponsors (n=3), and stakeholders involved in vaccination systems (n=13) were conducted in 2022. Thematic analysis was conducted to draw out themes related to barriers, strengths, and strategies of vaccine delivery models and the intersections with patient experiences. Newcomer refugee and immigrant focused vaccination models and strategies were explored. They demonstrated how partnerships between organizations, multi-pronged approaches, and culturally responsive services were crucial to navigate ongoing and emergent factors, such as vaccine hesitancy, mandates, and other determinants of under-vaccination. Many vaccination models presented through interviews were not specific to refugees and included immigrants, temporary residents, ethnocultural community members, and other vulnerable populations in their design. Increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake for newcomer refugees and immigrants, is complex and requires trust, ongoing information provision, and local partnerships to address ongoing and emerging factors. Three key policy implications were drawn. The World Health Organization stresses the need for tailored COVID-19 models of vaccination to meet the needs of diverse populations and ultimately reach high rates of vaccination. However, little evidence exists on how COVID-19 models of vaccination operated in the novel context of the pandemic, how vulnerable populations, such as refugees, experience COVID-19 vaccination systems in high-income countries, and what lessons may be learned from vaccination efforts with vulnerable populations. To address this gap, this study explored COVID-19 vaccine delivery models available to newcomer refugees and immigrants, and refugee experiences across diferent COVID-19 vaccine delivery models in Calgary, Canada, and surrounding area in 2021 and 2022, to understand the barriers, strengths, and strategies of models to support access to COVID-19 vaccination for newcomer refugees and immigrants. Structured interviews with Government Assisted Refugees (n=39), and semistructured interviews with Privately Sponsored Refugees (n=6), private refugee sponsors (n=3), and stakeholders involved in vaccination systems (n=13) were conducted in 2022. Thematic analysis was conducted to draw out themes related to barriers, strengths, and strategies of vaccine delivery models and the intersections with patient experiences. Newcomer refugee and immigrant focused vaccination models and strategies were explored. They demonstrated how partnerships between organizations, multi-pronged approaches, and culturally responsive services were crucial to navigate ongoing and emergent factors, such as vaccine hesitancy, mandates, and other determinants of under-vaccination. Many vaccination models presented through interviews were not specific to refugees and included immigrants, temporary residents, ethnocultural community members, and other vulnerable populations in their design. Increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake for newcomer refugees and immigrants, is complex and requires trust, ongoing information provision, and local partnerships to address ongoing and emerging factors. Three key policy implications were drawn.
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Refugee decisions to vaccinate for COVID-19 are a complex interplay of factors which include individual perceptions, access barriers, trust, and COVID-19 specific factors, which contribute to lower vaccine uptake. To address this, the WHO calls for localized solutions to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake for refugees and evidence to inform future vaccination efforts. However, limited evidence engages directly with refugees about their experiences with COVID-19 vaccinations. To address this gap, researchers conducted qualitative interviews (N = 61) with refugees (n = 45), sponsors of refugees (n = 3), and key informants (n = 13) connected to local COVID-19 vaccination efforts for refugees in Calgary. Thematic analysis was conducted to synthesize themes related to vaccine perspectives, vaccination experiences, and patient intersections with policies and systems. Findings reveal that refugees benefit from ample services that are delivered at various stages, that are not solely related to vaccinations, and which create multiple positive touch points with health and immigration systems. This builds trust and vaccine confidence and promotes COVID-19 vaccine uptake. Despite multiple factors affecting vaccination decisions, a key reason for vaccination was timely and credible information delivered through trusted intermediaries and in an environment that addressed refugee needs and concerns. As refugees placed trust and relationships at the core of decision-making and vaccination, it is recommended that healthcare systems work through trust and relationships to reach refugees. This can be targeted through culturally responsive healthcare delivery that meets patients where they are, including barrier reduction measures such as translation and on-site vaccinations, and educational and outreach partnerships with private groups, community organizations and leaders. Refugee decisions to vaccinate for COVID-19 are a complex interplay of factors which include individual perceptions, access barriers, trust, and COVID-19 specific factors, which contribute to lower vaccine uptake. To address this, the WHO calls for localized solutions to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake for refugees and evidence to inform future vaccination efforts. However, limited evidence engages directly with refugees about their experiences with COVID-19 vaccinations. To address this gap, researchers conducted qualitative interviews (N = 61) with refugees (n = 45), sponsors of refugees (n = 3), and key informants (n = 13) connected to local COVID-19 vaccination efforts for refugees in Calgary. Thematic analysis was conducted to synthesize themes related to vaccine perspectives, vaccination experiences, and patient intersections with policies and systems. Findings reveal that refugees benefit from ample services that are delivered at various stages, that are not solely related to vaccinations, and which create multiple positive touch points with health and immigration systems. This builds trust and vaccine confidence and promotes COVID-19 vaccine uptake. Despite multiple factors affecting vaccination decisions, a key reason for vaccination was timely and credible information delivered through trusted intermediaries and in an environment that addressed refugee needs and concerns. As refugees placed trust and relationships at the core of decision-making and vaccination, it is recommended that healthcare systems work through trust and relationships to reach refugees. This can be targeted through culturally responsive healthcare delivery that meets patients where they are, including barrier reduction measures such as translation and on-site vaccinations, and educational and outreach partnerships with private groups, community organizations and leaders.
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Resettlement for refugee youth in Canada presents multifaceted challenges, notably in integrating into existing social structures, including sports and physical activity (PA) programs. Sports and PA programs can play a crucial role in promoting physical and mental well-being, yet refugee youth often face lower participation rates compared to their Canadian-born counterparts. To address this gap, this study investigated the impact of a community-developed multi-sport program, the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS) multi-sport program, on the physical
literacy (PL) development and psychosocial well-being of young refugees in Calgary, AB, Canada. The program aimed to equip refugee youth with the tools to embrace sports and PA opportunities in their new environment, fostering physical well-being and a sense of belonging. A total of 16 refugee youth participants between the ages of 13-19 years old (Mean age = 16.00±1.75, n =14 males) were recruited for this study and were living in temporary housing (M = 1.19 months on arrival) while being assisted by CCIS during their resettlement period. The study employed
mixed methods, including the PLAY-basic tool and a modified PLAY-self questionnaire, to assess program effects on various PL domains. Qualitative data from focus group interviews and an ethnographic approach provided further insights into the program’s broader impact on well-being and social health. Resettlement for refugee youth in Canada presents multifaceted challenges, notably in integrating into existing social structures, including sports and physical activity (PA) programs. Sports and PA programs can play a crucial role in promoting physical and mental well-being, yet refugee youth often face lower participation rates compared to their Canadian-born counterparts. To address this gap, this study investigated the impact of a community-developed multi-sport program, the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS) multi-sport program, on the physical
literacy (PL) development and psychosocial well-being of young refugees in Calgary, AB, Canada. The program aimed to equip refugee youth with the tools to embrace sports and PA opportunities in their new environment, fostering physical well-being and a sense of belonging. A total of 16 refugee youth participants between the ages of 13-19 years old (Mean age = 16.00±1.75, n =14 males) were recruited for this study and were living in temporary housing (M = 1.19 months on arrival) while being assisted by CCIS during their resettlement period. The study employed
mixed methods, including the PLAY-basic tool and a modified PLAY-self questionnaire, to assess program effects on various PL domains. Qualitative data from focus group interviews and an ethnographic approach provided further insights into the program’s broader impact on well-being and social health.
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Canada’s National Housing Strategy acknowledges that identity factors are closely connected to housing vulnerability. Specifically, it identifies 12 groups at heightened risk of negative housing outcomes in Canada. In this research, we focus on the intersection of two of these groups: LGBTQ people and refugees. Existing studies establish that members of both groups are vulnerable to discrimination, homelessness, and housing unaffordability. However, they have largely been examined separately, and with limited insights into the factors that produce vulnerability. To develop a more nuanced and systemic account of LGBTQ refugees’ housing vulnerability, we conducted a study in Alberta, Canada. Utilizing Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality, and drawing on policy documents and key-informant interviews, we identified three types of barriers to housing. We conclude that an intersectional approach provides a foundation for systemic explanations of housing vulnerability that are too often absent in policy. Canada’s National Housing Strategy acknowledges that identity factors are closely connected to housing vulnerability. Specifically, it identifies 12 groups at heightened risk of negative housing outcomes in Canada. In this research, we focus on the intersection of two of these groups: LGBTQ people and refugees. Existing studies establish that members of both groups are vulnerable to discrimination, homelessness, and housing unaffordability. However, they have largely been examined separately, and with limited insights into the factors that produce vulnerability. To develop a more nuanced and systemic account of LGBTQ refugees’ housing vulnerability, we conducted a study in Alberta, Canada. Utilizing Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality, and drawing on policy documents and key-informant interviews, we identified three types of barriers to housing. We conclude that an intersectional approach provides a foundation for systemic explanations of housing vulnerability that are too often absent in policy.
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