Please note, this is not an open access database or repository. We have focused on creating simple summaries of reports and articles that we have accessed through websites and academic journals, with a focus on key findings, so that even if a full report is not free to access you can reference it. When possible, we include a link to wherever the original document is hosted (which may or may not be open-access). If you come across a link that is no longer active, please let us know and we can update it. There are also some reports that will have been submitted directly to the project. In this case, these reports are uploaded directly with permission from the author or publisher. Any original documents found on this site are stored in Canada on our secure servers

A narrative inquiry into the experiences of Syrian refugee families with children living with disabilities

Children with disabilities are among the most at-risk groups for marginalization due to compounded disadvantages from the intersection of risk factors such as refugee status and disability status. Despite this high risk, there is no systematic data collected on this group and scant literature on the topic contributing to a feeling of invisibility. We conducted a narrative inquiry on the experiences of two Syrian refugee families with children living with disabilities. Narrative inquiry is a way to understand experience as a storied phenomenon. In order to understand the complexities of the experience as a refugee with a child living with disabilities, attending to the lived and told stories is essential. In hearing the narration of these experiences across time, place, and social contexts various narrative threads emerged. The narrative threads that resonated across the experiences of two families included waiting and a struggle for agency, as well as disruption and continuity. Children with disabilities are among the most at-risk groups for marginalization due to compounded disadvantages from the intersection of risk factors such as refugee status and disability status. Despite this high risk, there is no systematic data collected on this group and scant literature on the topic contributing to a feeling of invisibility. We conducted a narrative inquiry on the experiences of two Syrian refugee families with children living with disabilities. Narrative inquiry is a way to understand experience as a storied phenomenon. In order to understand the complexities of the experience as a refugee with a child living with disabilities, attending to the lived and told stories is essential. In hearing the narration of these experiences across time, place, and social contexts various narrative threads emerged. The narrative threads that resonated across the experiences of two families included waiting and a struggle for agency, as well as disruption and continuity.
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Experiences of depression among African immigrant men in Southern Alberta, Canada

The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of depression among African immigrant men in Southern Alberta. The study adopted an exploratory descriptive qualitative research design using focused semi-structured interviews with ten African immigrant men. Thematic analysis showed that African men went through episodes of sadness and frustrations due to intersection of challenges post-migration, which negatively impacted both their physical and mental health. However, instead of seeking professional help, they employed a series of coping mechanisms to mitigate, tolerate, or overcome the mental distress. It was evident that African men’s cultural constructions around masculinity influenced how they perceived, interpreted, and expressed their mental distress. Culture and masculinity also shaped their strategies for coping with the mental distress and behaviour towards help-seeking. It is recommended that stakeholders and policy makers apply cultural safety approaches to support African immigrant men to enhance their mental well-being. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of depression among African immigrant men in Southern Alberta. The study adopted an exploratory descriptive qualitative research design using focused semi-structured interviews with ten African immigrant men. Thematic analysis showed that African men went through episodes of sadness and frustrations due to intersection of challenges post-migration, which negatively impacted both their physical and mental health. However, instead of seeking professional help, they employed a series of coping mechanisms to mitigate, tolerate, or overcome the mental distress. It was evident that African men’s cultural constructions around masculinity influenced how they perceived, interpreted, and expressed their mental distress. Culture and masculinity also shaped their strategies for coping with the mental distress and behaviour towards help-seeking. It is recommended that stakeholders and policy makers apply cultural safety approaches to support African immigrant men to enhance their mental well-being.
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The Muslim Seniors Study: Need for Healthy Aging in Muslim Communities in Edmonton, Alberta

Although more Albertan Muslims are entering older age, there is still limited research, evidence and policy focused on older Muslims’ lived experiences and needs in Canada. This community-based participatory study serves to describe the experiences of Muslim seniors and community stakeholders, with regards to healthy aging and related needs in Edmonton, Alberta. 64 Canadian Muslims from multiple ethno-cultural communities in Edmonton participated in individual interviews and focus groups. Muslim seniors defined healthy aging as being financially independent, staying socially connected, and feeling spiritually fulfilled. The article also emphasizes the importance of the Islamic obligation to care for seniors in the community, as well as the increased risks of vulnerable seniors in social isolation. Overall, this study’s findings highlights strong community motivation to support healthy aging, combined with significant barriers to community action. Although more Albertan Muslims are entering older age, there is still limited research, evidence and policy focused on older Muslims’ lived experiences and needs in Canada. This community-based participatory study serves to describe the experiences of Muslim seniors and community stakeholders, with regards to healthy aging and related needs in Edmonton, Alberta. 64 Canadian Muslims from multiple ethno-cultural communities in Edmonton participated in individual interviews and focus groups. Muslim seniors defined healthy aging as being financially independent, staying socially connected, and feeling spiritually fulfilled. The article also emphasizes the importance of the Islamic obligation to care for seniors in the community, as well as the increased risks of vulnerable seniors in social isolation. Overall, this study’s findings highlights strong community motivation to support healthy aging, combined with significant barriers to community action.
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Alberta Settlement And Integration Sector Survey Report 2017-2018

This is a provincial survey from January to February 2018. The survey aimed to examine and understand the priorities, systems-level issues and areas of improvement in settlement and integration, to identify any current systems-level issues that are affecting service provider organizations (SPOs), and to highlight areas of improvement for the next fiscal year. The survey findings indicate that the main challenge affecting newcomers is access to Language Programs. When the survey asked participants what the most common barrier that affected individuals’ ability to attend language training the most, over 70% of respondents indicated Childcare Provision and Availability. The findings also show that lack of childcare provision affects newcomers’ ability to access not only education (language programs), but also employment and social activities. Service providers indicated that they experience challenges with data collection which prevents sharing data between organizations. This in turn affects the quality of service delivery. Service providers also expressed a desire for increased sector engagement meaning that they were interested in large-scale events such as summits and seminars. The survey results also indicate that AAISA’s research and policy resources are not being used to a large extent for settlement practices, policy change and funding models. AAISA is committed to increase efforts into changing this tendency and establishing more meaningful connections with the government and policy stakeholders. This is a provincial survey from January to February 2018. The survey aimed to examine and understand the priorities, systems-level issues and areas of improvement in settlement and integration, to identify any current systems-level issues that are affecting service provider organizations (SPOs), and to highlight areas of improvement for the next fiscal year. The survey findings indicate that the main challenge affecting newcomers is access to Language Programs. When the survey asked participants what the most common barrier that affected individuals’ ability to attend language training the most, over 70% of respondents indicated Childcare Provision and Availability. The findings also show that lack of childcare provision affects newcomers’ ability to access not only education (language programs), but also employment and social activities. Service providers indicated that they experience challenges with data collection which prevents sharing data between organizations. This in turn affects the quality of service delivery. Service providers also expressed a desire for increased sector engagement meaning that they were interested in large-scale events such as summits and seminars. The survey results also indicate that AAISA’s research and policy resources are not being used to a large extent for settlement practices, policy change and funding models. AAISA is committed to increase efforts into changing this tendency and establishing more meaningful connections with the government and policy stakeholders.
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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program Environmental Scan – Pathways to Prosperity: Canada

This is an environmental scan. It examines the impact of federal policy changes on the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) and the flow of nominees to the Alberta labour market and communities. It was found that the AINP has taken on a broad scope of helping to achieve provincial economic and labour market needs. It is mainly low/semi-skilled TFWs who use the program to achieve residency, as the federal immigration streams tend to have higher requirements. The program itself has been criticized for creating a vulnerable environment for TFWs in addition to its limited capacity to process applications in a timely manner. The key learnings of the report find that immigrant retention is best achieved through community and family support. Although there were moves away from this with the closing of the family stream of the AINP in 2013, the new Liberal government has highlighted family reunification as a key immigration goal. However, federal and provincial immigration goals have also been shown to conflict with each other, as the provincial labour market need for low/semi-skilled workers is misaligned with the federal target of a highly-skilled and educated workforce. Lack of intergovernmental communication in the past resulted in confusion and little consideration of how immigration streams may influence each other. Behaviour of employers is also as a key factor contributing to TFW vulnerability. Thus, we recommend increasing intergovernmental communication and lateral dialogue on policy changes and how they may affect other immigration streams. Long-term labour market assessments are recommended to support the provision of residency to immigrants who are needed most. Furthermore, the AINP’s structural complexity should be reduced to be more inclusive, consistent and easy to access for applicants. Greater accountability, transparency and oversight should also be employed to reduce labour abuses and reduce the vulnerability of nominees of the program. This is an environmental scan. It examines the impact of federal policy changes on the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) and the flow of nominees to the Alberta labour market and communities. It was found that the AINP has taken on a broad scope of helping to achieve provincial economic and labour market needs. It is mainly low/semi-skilled TFWs who use the program to achieve residency, as the federal immigration streams tend to have higher requirements. The program itself has been criticized for creating a vulnerable environment for TFWs in addition to its limited capacity to process applications in a timely manner. The key learnings of the report find that immigrant retention is best achieved through community and family support. Although there were moves away from this with the closing of the family stream of the AINP in 2013, the new Liberal government has highlighted family reunification as a key immigration goal. However, federal and provincial immigration goals have also been shown to conflict with each other, as the provincial labour market need for low/semi-skilled workers is misaligned with the federal target of a highly-skilled and educated workforce. Lack of intergovernmental communication in the past resulted in confusion and little consideration of how immigration streams may influence each other. Behaviour of employers is also as a key factor contributing to TFW vulnerability. Thus, we recommend increasing intergovernmental communication and lateral dialogue on policy changes and how they may affect other immigration streams. Long-term labour market assessments are recommended to support the provision of residency to immigrants who are needed most. Furthermore, the AINP’s structural complexity should be reduced to be more inclusive, consistent and easy to access for applicants. Greater accountability, transparency and oversight should also be employed to reduce labour abuses and reduce the vulnerability of nominees of the program.
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The Future of Alberta’s Labour Market: The Role of Immigration, Migration, and Developing Existing HUman Capital

This paper discusses the ways of increasing Alberta’s labour force. Increasing Alberta’s labour supply at the extensive margin involves increasing the population, which can be accomplished in three ways: higher birth rates, increased numbers of migrants arriving from other Canadian provinces, and increased immigration. Given these trends, immigration is becoming an increasingly important source of labour force growth throughout Canada, and Alberta is no exception. Immigrants are not a homogenous group, and there are a variety of immigration programs targeted at specific groups of potential newcomers. The economic and labour market outcomes of newcomers admitted under these programs are different, with factors such as language ability, domestic work experience, and the ability of employers to recognize credentials being important to the success of immigrants in the Canadian labour market. Two programs, the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) and the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), have seen an increase in both the number and proportion of immigrants admitted in recent years, and the evidence to date shows they are performing well economically. The number of immigrants coming to Alberta through the controversial Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) has dropped significantly from its peak in 2013, but Alberta still accounts for a disproportionate number of workers admitted under the program. While there are significant concerns about both the treatment of workers under the program and its effect on wage suppression in some industries, there is evidence that a limited TFWP may be beneficial. The final source of potential labour through immigration is foreign students. While there has been a tripling of foreign students across Canada over the last 20 years, Alberta has not experienced the same level of growth. Unfortunately, there is very limited room to increase the overall labour supply in Alberta at the intensive margins. Better addressing credential recognition, both in regulated occupations and the skilled trades, is another way Alberta could better utilize the talent of its current population. This paper discusses the ways of increasing Alberta’s labour force. Increasing Alberta’s labour supply at the extensive margin involves increasing the population, which can be accomplished in three ways: higher birth rates, increased numbers of migrants arriving from other Canadian provinces, and increased immigration. Given these trends, immigration is becoming an increasingly important source of labour force growth throughout Canada, and Alberta is no exception. Immigrants are not a homogenous group, and there are a variety of immigration programs targeted at specific groups of potential newcomers. The economic and labour market outcomes of newcomers admitted under these programs are different, with factors such as language ability, domestic work experience, and the ability of employers to recognize credentials being important to the success of immigrants in the Canadian labour market. Two programs, the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) and the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), have seen an increase in both the number and proportion of immigrants admitted in recent years, and the evidence to date shows they are performing well economically. The number of immigrants coming to Alberta through the controversial Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) has dropped significantly from its peak in 2013, but Alberta still accounts for a disproportionate number of workers admitted under the program. While there are significant concerns about both the treatment of workers under the program and its effect on wage suppression in some industries, there is evidence that a limited TFWP may be beneficial. The final source of potential labour through immigration is foreign students. While there has been a tripling of foreign students across Canada over the last 20 years, Alberta has not experienced the same level of growth. Unfortunately, there is very limited room to increase the overall labour supply in Alberta at the intensive margins. Better addressing credential recognition, both in regulated occupations and the skilled trades, is another way Alberta could better utilize the talent of its current population.
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Social, Emotional, and Academic Adjustment of Newcomer Syrian Refugee Children Within the School Context

Since the beginning of conflict in Syria, 52, 720 Syrian refugees were admitted to Canada between November 2015 and March 2018. Schools are one of the first and most impactful systems that young refugees enter and the quality of early school experiences significantly influences how successfully and quickly they settle. Yet, there is limited research examining the school experiences of refugee children. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the social, emotional, and academic adjustment experiences of newcomer Syrian refugee children between the ages of five to eight years within Edmonton schools. Following themes emerged during this study: (1) Role of Language in Adjustment, (2) Attitudes and Perspectives Towards Education, (3) Bonds and Relationships, (4) Initial Frustrations, Anxieties, and Fears, (5) Children’s Unique Strategies for Adapting in School, (6) Parental Involvement in the Schooling Process, and (7) Role of Personal Qualities in Adjustment. Since the beginning of conflict in Syria, 52, 720 Syrian refugees were admitted to Canada between November 2015 and March 2018. Schools are one of the first and most impactful systems that young refugees enter and the quality of early school experiences significantly influences how successfully and quickly they settle. Yet, there is limited research examining the school experiences of refugee children. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the social, emotional, and academic adjustment experiences of newcomer Syrian refugee children between the ages of five to eight years within Edmonton schools. Following themes emerged during this study: (1) Role of Language in Adjustment, (2) Attitudes and Perspectives Towards Education, (3) Bonds and Relationships, (4) Initial Frustrations, Anxieties, and Fears, (5) Children’s Unique Strategies for Adapting in School, (6) Parental Involvement in the Schooling Process, and (7) Role of Personal Qualities in Adjustment.
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Caring for Crude in an Era of Capitalist Crisis: Migrant Caregivers and the Fort McMurray Wildfire

On May 3rd, 2016, a wildfire swept through the Northern Alberta resource community of Fort McMurray, scouring the political-economic landscape and leading to the largest prolonged evacuation in Canadian history. In serving as the primary service centre for the Athabasca tar sands— the world’s third-largest known oil deposit— Fort McMurray has also become a notable outpost of transnational labour. Migrant caregivers, in particular, are precariously tied to this ‘land of opportunity’— bound by short-term employment contracts tied to single employers. Thus, in following the assertion that “there is no such thing as a natural disaster,” this thesis draws upon their experiences to reveal how the everyday manifestations of capitalist crisis that exist in this place were responsible for rendering the wildfire into a disaster in the lives of tens of thousands of people. In drawing upon the experiences of this social reproductive workforce, I argue that the crisis of social reproduction (i.e. biological reproduction, the reproduction of the labouring class, and provisioning and carework), in particular, is the thread of capitalist crisis capable of illuminating the other strands of crisis at the foundation of this disaster and explicating the interconnections between them. Moreover, it is in specifically focusing on the crisis of social reproduction, I argue, that we are able to not only understand the political-economic foundation of this disaster but also how its impacts were reabsorbed into everyday life through the social reproductive labour of this largely disposable workforce. In drawing upon the concept of surplus value, I argue that in much the same way that this value is extracted from workers to rebuild the physical infrastructure of communities in the wake of disaster, families extracted migrant caregivers’ social reproductive surplus value in order to rebuild the social infrastructure of their everyday lives and re-establish the crises at the foundation of this disaster. On May 3rd, 2016, a wildfire swept through the Northern Alberta resource community of Fort McMurray, scouring the political-economic landscape and leading to the largest prolonged evacuation in Canadian history. In serving as the primary service centre for the Athabasca tar sands— the world’s third-largest known oil deposit— Fort McMurray has also become a notable outpost of transnational labour. Migrant caregivers, in particular, are precariously tied to this ‘land of opportunity’— bound by short-term employment contracts tied to single employers. Thus, in following the assertion that “there is no such thing as a natural disaster,” this thesis draws upon their experiences to reveal how the everyday manifestations of capitalist crisis that exist in this place were responsible for rendering the wildfire into a disaster in the lives of tens of thousands of people. In drawing upon the experiences of this social reproductive workforce, I argue that the crisis of social reproduction (i.e. biological reproduction, the reproduction of the labouring class, and provisioning and carework), in particular, is the thread of capitalist crisis capable of illuminating the other strands of crisis at the foundation of this disaster and explicating the interconnections between them. Moreover, it is in specifically focusing on the crisis of social reproduction, I argue, that we are able to not only understand the political-economic foundation of this disaster but also how its impacts were reabsorbed into everyday life through the social reproductive labour of this largely disposable workforce. In drawing upon the concept of surplus value, I argue that in much the same way that this value is extracted from workers to rebuild the physical infrastructure of communities in the wake of disaster, families extracted migrant caregivers’ social reproductive surplus value in order to rebuild the social infrastructure of their everyday lives and re-establish the crises at the foundation of this disaster.
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